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[Mod Request] Items Stack, Search and Organization


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Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible, and if so how easy/difficult would be to have a mod that "simply":


- Improves items stacking (like beverages that for whatever reason only stack up to 9 and then use a new slot for the next 9 and so on...) to 100 or even better IMO, to 1000 or more for items like ingredients, components and foods;


- Add a text search/filter option both to the items menu and to your crate/stash. And lastly;


- Make item stats preview itself when hovering through them with the arrow keys (for me at least they only preview when I hover them with the mouse, but not with not the keys...)


One other thing that bugs my slight OCD a little bit,


- Why doesn't the crates (the ones we can store our items at) have the same item organization than Geralt's item menu? And for that matter, why can't it store a great many categories of items? I mean the equipment/potions/quest items/components/books tabs. Is it possible to make it happen through modding? I have my "book collection" in a bag on the floor next to one crate in Novigrad.

- Or as someone else suggested in these forums, make books weightless so you'd just carry them like components.


This may be not very immersive-friendly (just as some items now having no weight...), but both are equally "forgivable" in the name of a... faster/cleaner interaction with the items menu.

If that is something that doesn't interest any modder right now, I have zero experience with modding but if someone tells me its rather "simple" and somehow walk through the process - babysteps - with me, I'd might even give it a try myself. Not promising anything though :tongue: [wishing I were more tech savvy right now :sad: ]


Anyways, Cheers and Thanks!

Edited by Ivarov
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