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Need help with a script


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Could someone please provide me with a script I can place on an activator to make a monster appear either at the players location or (prefered) at a specific location within the same internal cell as the player.


My housing mod provides the player with a small practice arena and I would like to provide the player with the option of summoning one of four opponents I have created. I think I need something like ;


if onactivate == 1

placeatplayer "monster"



I have just started to mod and am having trouble finding info on the scripting. I want to use an :"ARswitch"

as my activator and I need the script set up so that the player can use it as many times as he/she wishes.

Perhaps including a timer so that the player can only summon 1 opponent every 60 seconds would be wise?


Any help would be appreciated , I am not having much luck finding a forum where people are able to help with this request.


Thanks in advance



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  • 2 weeks later...

Rather than creating a new monster each time (which could create save-game bloat) I would recommend this approach:


- Create a dummy holding cell and drag the monsters into it that you want to use later. It will create new copies of them.


- Drag a static x-marker to the location you want the monster to spawn in the training room, and another one back in the holding cell.


- Create a spell or other activation mechanism that uses MoveTo to place the creature in the training room at the x-marker location and another to move it back to the holding cell when you're done. (Or have it move automatically when it dies, from it's own script.)


That's just a sketch, but it should point you in a good direction I think - Good Luck!!!



(Rhianna's Creator.)

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