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Cloud Computing

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IT caught my attention again when I saw an ad about it. Microsoft believes it'll replace offline OS in the future. What do you think? Microsoft Azure is an example, it's mainly business focussed at the moment. It shows how integrated it could be. Cloud computing is focussed on closing the gap between normal and external connections. As in you can be unable to host from your house 24/7, or the connection won't be that well. Having your OS at a standard server somewhere accessible without having to shut off your PC ever >.>, wouldn't that be nice :O ?
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Never to turn off your comp, Duh the hydro bill.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif Edited by Thor.
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Sounds fishy to me, but sometimes I can be a bit of a conspiracy theorist.


It also sounds like another one of their big money-making schemes in conjunction with internet service providers.


As it stands now, I can still enjoy playing many games on my PC even if I can no longer afford my internet service or the service is otherwise somehow interrupted.


A lot of new games are rigged with some kind of on-line DRM, thus forcing us to pay for internet services and often memberships to some sites if we want to play those games.


Putting my OS on-line someplace would mean that I'd be forced to pay for these services simply to use my computer PERIOD.


They might as well go ahead and tattoo the bar-code on my forehead now...

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From what I understand is that it is more about storage than the OS. You have a SSD boot drive to run windows and its applications and the cloud holds the files and the documents. I saw a feature about technologies that are quickly becoming obsolete in MaximumPC and one of them were mechanical HDDs due to the improving affordability of improved SSDs and Cloud Computing and the proof of this was the rather dirt cheap prices of mechanical hard drives these days.


To make a point on the SSDs, the solid state drive I got for my laptop (OCZ Vertex 2 240GB) first came out at a price of $495 dollars. When I got it a couple months ago, it was $416, now it is $395. It might not be by much, but the prices are going down on SSDs. My laptop's setup has an SSD as the primary boot drive with the OS backed up to an external Hard Drive that also serves as storage for raw video files captured with Fraps. Meanwhile I have a second internal drive (yes my laptop supports 2 drives, just no RAID) that has my iTunes library, downloaded mods and drivers, word and text document, and encoded video files of the fraps video captures that make it to youtube. All of my important documents are on a USB stick.

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Who do you call when the cloud crashes? How do you recover your valuable data when the company that hosts it on their server is shut down for some reason? hacker, government action( see recent IT news), fire in data center (happened to a major data center 2 years ago), Your ISP suddenly going out of business, Breakdown in internet - or anything else that interrupts free flow if information between your computer and your data in the 'cloud'? :whistling:


Or as happened to me a few months ago, a car knocked down a power pole that carried my internet also. I was off the internet for 2 days waiting for repairs. Luckily the data I needed was on MY computer, where it is backed up to MY backup drive and not on THEIR computer where who knows where it gets backed up - if at all. :rolleyes:


Yes, the cloud is handy, but to me it sounds like a reversion back to the days of mainframe computing. Where you sat at a 'dumb' terminal and all of the computing and data were somewhere else. And if anything happened, you were unable to do anything until the people responsible for the mainframe were able to get things working again. :wallbash:

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