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The First Era (Dwemer vs Chimer)


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I'm starting to see a little uprising in DLC sized mods for Skyrim so I thought to myself "Wouldn't it be awesome if there was such a mod that allowed the Dragonborn to go back in time to the first era and be involved with the disappearance of the Dwemer?" I thought that would be incredible to see Numidium before The disappearance and see Lorkhan's heart, Keening, Sunder and Wraithguard and see how it all happened... that would be an incredible expansion to the game!


It may be a little lore breaking due to the fact that the dragonborn had appeared during the event but would be a cool twist I guess.


Perhaps this could give a team an idea if they plan to do a big dlc-sized project and I don't care for credit if it ever would happen I just care to see it and see how it would go!


So yeah! :D

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