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voice files


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Well my question comes for this, i have few voiced (cast) mods, but for some reason, some voices are reproduced, some not, of an example, a mod that includes Argonian, imperial,etc etc... only reproduces the imperial cast...why? are the files, somehow misplaced?, no idea... plz if someone can answer me...
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Does the mod have all the parts voice acted? It may be that the mod is a work in progress, has bugs, or is an incomplete work that they have given up on finishing. In those cases, some parts may not have had the voice-acting done.


In the example you used, you could look in the directories of the compressed downloaded mod in your archives and see if it just includes an Imperial directory and no Argonian directory. To take it further, you could decompress samples from the voice directories and play them on Media Player or something to see if you hear voices or if they are silent dialog files.

Edited by David Brasher
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I had checked all you mention before posting so, not, that's not the porblem.... in fact, i checked if there especific voice files for parts played, conversations i had with NPC that SHOULD have been voiced


and that problem is with a few mods, so is not a especific mod issue..

Edited by Ayatolah
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