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New Crossbow aiming animation


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I'm sad that there is no scoped crossbows mod or a mod that changes the default crossbow aim animation ?

Many modders said that the the size of the scopemount woulld be too large and look awfull, but what if the aiming animation would be changed, so that the player holds the crossbow in one hand and stands sideways ?

When the tip of the bolt would be there where the crosshair uses to be ,the there's no need of a scopemount.

got my idea? :blush:

(similar to this picture , but with a crossbow instead ^^)

Maybe someone can create such a mod :smile:

Edited by Thanatos724
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Hi there,

I liked your idea, it will make crossbows look very different from bows, but it will look weird if used on a normal scaled crossbow (it will look like the image you used), it will be better to res-scale all crossbows (make them look smaller).

And if i could make a suggestion, it will be awesome if the crossbows become 1H weapon to use a shield together (like in Dark Souls).

Sorry if i made some mistakes, english is not my native language.


good day.

Edited by lukaskalho
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