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EA Core fail.


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So, I had to reinstall my Windows on notebook... OK, everything is fine. But when I wanted to play Dragon Age it shows error with configuration. I was too stupid to look on google or something and... Deleted EA Core from Dragon Age. I don't know how it could helps. Now I found how to mod .ini file and make it works, but I deleted EACore from Dragon Age. So much epic fail.

I have a really big request: can someone host his/her EACore files from Dragon Age Origins folder? If it's possible ofcourse. Maybe it will works.


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Another one who thinks rules are for everyone else.


Core files are copyrighted and it is ILLEGAL to distribute them - That means Nexus could be shut down for allowing people to do this, or to even allow people to ASK for this. This is known as piracy. EVEN if you do already have a legal version of the game.


Banned for requesting copyrighted materials.

Bben46, Moderator

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