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Help with some scripting and quest problems


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Re did the quest as part of the mod, still nothing >:( maybe il just try doing it a different way, like with the marker distance you mentioned before. Because I have absolutely no clue what the problem is here :closedeyes:

OK, let's cover all the bases.


The quest has the proper script set to it.


The quest has stages defined (with journal entries) for 0, 1, talking to the guy, arriving at the location, and everything else.


When the quest is started in game, it is shown as active in the journal.


You have tested the quest from begining to end fresh each time from a save made before the quest was started (just setting the stages back can often lead to being unable to have those stages active again, even if "repeat stages is checked").


The script uses a gamemode block, and has "if player.getincell" within that block, but is not dependant on any condition that isn't also present, and isn't after anything that might end that gamemode block before that "if" statment was checked.


There is only one gamemode block within the script.


Both the entire quest and the cells to be checked are contained within the same mod.


The mod is activated, and doesn't conflict with any other mod.


If all those are true. Add a marker just outside the cave (in the exterior cell) with the exact reference of "2BanditCaveMarker" (not the base, the one placed in the render), and try replacing your entire quest script with this.

scn AncientDoorQuestScript

short stage
short var1

begin gamemode
set stage to getstage 2ancientdoor
if stage == 5
if player.getdistance 2BanditCaveMarker <= 1200
message "You feel a chill run down your spine."
setstage 2ancientdoor 10


If you get the message, but the quest doesn't progress, there's something with how the quest is setup. If you don't get anything, either the marker is setup wrong, the script is setup wrong, stage 5 isn't active, or the quest is setup wrong.

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