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A mod that tells your companions to run away...


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Anyone know if there is a mod that allows you to tell your companion(s) to retreat/run away/disengage? It is really irritating for one of my companions to get caught in a fight with a much larger force and just have them sit their and die. It would be extremely helpful if their was a mod out their that could allow you to give the order to retreat to your companions...
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Well I know custom companions often allow you to set their 'bravery' level, in which you can set them to cowardly or whatever.


The two things I hate most are when my companions run out in front of me while I'm shooting, and when they use explosives when the enemy is far too close to use them safely; or when there are other npcs nearby that I don't want blown up; or a number of other situations where explosives are not appropriate and they use them anyway.


The obvious solution is to just not give them explosives, but they seem to be pretty good at throwing grenades over hills and such, when you actually want them to be throwing grenades.

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Hmm, maybe have a spot on the companion wheel (or other option) where you can toggle their use of explosives or when they can flee. Something like "ranged", "Melee", "Ranged with explosives" or whatnot and another spot that says "Never retreat", "retreat when needed" and "Safety first" so your companion always tries to keep out or range and only attacks when its safe to do so.
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There is a checkbox you can use to control whether followers should use explosives when they would damage themsleves, their group or spectators. You can find this in the combat style dialog. This dialog also allows you to adjust many other settings related to combat styles. However, for the standard follower combat styles, it is already set so that they should not use explosives in any of these cases.


Therefore, I do not think that you can adjust this behavior. If they are already damaging others, when the switch is telling them not to, you may be stuck.

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Anyone know if there is a mod that allows you to tell your companion(s) to retreat/run away/disengage?

This has to be scripted to accomplish, because combat pretty much overrides any AI package. I've done it with a FO3 custom companion and am working on one for NV, but it will be awhile.

Tarrant made Phalanx NV for the vanilla followers where he made passive mode actually work, but it hasn't been updated after the game patches so a couple companions are missing AI packages that were added later.

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I was just about to post an idea similar to this, mainly since I've seen the detonators and C-finders used as laser sights for things like bombings and such.


Perhaps someone could use that idea as a general and simple companion control. The "gun" would simply force your companion to stop what they are doing and move to the location you "pointed."


I felt its something that most people could use for both tactics and easier gameplay.


  • It could also be good for tactical players, such as when your sneaking you simply use the gun to keep your companions far enough away to not blow your cover but close enough to help if you get overwhelmed
  • Perhaps you want your companions to walk in-front of you for once....perhaps to draw fire while you cover them from a corner or something. (Instead of you having to run out so they attack then trying to hide.)
  • It could also be modifed I'm sure for uses in making screenshots or altered to somehow pose vanilla NPCs in unique ways.


Perhaps a seperate "menu item" for the gun to allow different uses like switching it's function. Other functions could be:

  • Force pose, then when fired it brings up a pose list (with some idea of each pose instead "pose 1, 2, 3, etc." more like "Dual gun pose" "Sexy pose #4" etc.)
  • Companion Throw Explosive, perhaps you companion CAN throw better than you, then just point and click and they throw a grenade to that general area.
  • Changing behavior in combat, so if you have 2 melee companions just about to run into flamethrowers you can click and make them switch to ranged weapons.
  • etc.


I'm sure there are many other ways that it could be adapted to fit players demands.


I'm not even sure its plausible but I thought it was an idea worth mentioning, since it could be modified to fit mods like Enclave commander, as well as normal and modded companions.

Edited by simplywayne90
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I was just about to post an idea similar to this, mainly since I've seen the detonators and C-finders used as laser sights for things like bombings and such.


Perhaps someone could use that idea as a general and simple companion control. The "gun" would simply force your companion to stop what they are doing and move to the location you "pointed."


I felt its something that most people could use for both tactics and easier gameplay.


  • It could also be good for tactical players, such as when your sneaking you simply use the gun to keep your companions far enough away to not blow your cover but close enough to help if you get overwhelmed
  • Perhaps you want your companions to walk in-front of you for once....perhaps to draw fire while you cover them from a corner or something. (Instead of you having to run out so they attack then trying to hide.)
  • It could also be modifed I'm sure for uses in making screenshots or altered to somehow pose vanilla NPCs in unique ways.


Perhaps a seperate "menu item" for the gun to allow different uses like switching it's function. Other functions could be:

  • Force pose, then when fired it brings up a pose list (with some idea of each pose instead "pose 1, 2, 3, etc." more like "Dual gun pose" "Sexy pose #4" etc.)
  • Companion Throw Explosive, perhaps you companion CAN throw better than you, then just point and click and they throw a grenade to that general area.
  • Changing behavior in combat, so if you have 2 melee companions just about to run into flamethrowers you can click and make them switch to ranged weapons.
  • etc.


I'm sure there are many other ways that it could be adapted to fit players demands.


I'm not even sure its plausible but I thought it was an idea worth mentioning, since it could be modified to fit mods like Enclave commander, as well as normal and modded companions.


Ya this would be a great idea and is kind of the main reason why I want to be able to tell my people to disengage, so if we end up taking fire in an open field we can retreat to some cover.


Another thing that this helps is immersion because what kind of idiot would stand in the middle of a field and walk towards 20 people shooting at him, doesn't make any sense. Unfortunately however I do not have any scripting knowledge, and could not make this idea a reality =(.

Edited by Glitcher
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I understand how you feel though, Since I downloaded nVamp and a few other gameplay improvements, I can afford to have companions running "into the fray" blindly, I downloaded a mod or two that enhanced Enemy A.I so they'll take cover, use grenades sparingly, even lay mines and things.....and then my companions are still the same, just try to run through it and kamizaze them.


So the CCG (Companion Control Gun) would be something a lot of people like me could use. Also I really would like it to have other uses, like setting up custom poses, the ones from the mods but that could be used easily on NPCs.

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I understand how you feel though, Since I downloaded nVamp and a few other gameplay improvements, I can afford to have companions running "into the fray" blindly, I downloaded a mod or two that enhanced Enemy A.I so they'll take cover, use grenades sparingly, even lay mines and things.....and then my companions are still the same, just try to run through it and kamizaze them.


So the CCG (Companion Control Gun) would be something a lot of people like me could use. Also I really would like it to have other uses, like setting up custom poses, the ones from the mods but that could be used easily on NPCs.


What mod do you use that modify the Enemy A.I. so they'll take cover and what not? I remember I had a mod like that in F3, but i could not find one in NV.

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It's included as part of installing the mega-mod nVamp, however I'm sure you could search the gameplay changes category here on Nexus and find something, since nVamp requires you to install it on a clean install and takes about 3-4 hours just to set up, but it adds a TON of stuff to the game.


I think pucemoose has some tweak files.

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