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Fun with brushjars


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You know thos little clay jars with pain brushes sticking out of them? This is actually something I discovered by accident, but here is some thing fun you can do with them. The first thing you need is a brush jar. you should be able to find one at a store that sells misc stuff. The next thing you will need is about five square feet of empty floor space. You can find this just about any where. Hold the jar out in frount of you like you are going to drop it. then give the mouse a quick twirl and let go. when the jar hits the ground it should bob, spin, or shake, for at least a minute. This should keep your ADD side entertained for at least fifteen minutes. :P
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Reminds me of the paintbrush glitch.Take a paintbrush and drop it.It will hover eerily in midair and you can get to a lot of places you weren't supposed to.Went OCD on it and made my way to the top of White Gold tower,only to jump off and die several times over.
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