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Could some one please explain what each of these are, what they do and whether they are compatable with each other, OBMM, OMOD and OBSE?



OBSE: Oblivion Script Extender. A program you can run together with Oblivion, which can run some complicated scripts that the game can't run itself. You need OBSE for a few mods, so there's no need to download or run it unless you downloaded one of those mods. If it requires OBSE, it's mentioned on the download page.


OBMM: Oblivion Mod Manager. A program which you can use to manage your mods with. Editing the archiveinvalidation.txt, changing load order and much more. Very useful.


OMOD: A file which contains meshes/textures, used by the OBMM. The advantage of a OMOD is that textures/meshes can be removed more easily.


They are all compatible, because they are not mods and they don't run at the same time.

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