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so i finished the RETRIEVAL QUEST of the companions of AELA then all of the sudden she doesnt say that the leader wants to see me.


ive tried:


Startquest c04

setstage c04 0

setstage c04 10

setstage c04 200..and nothing!


but if i hit "setstage c05 10" then it immediately starts...


then i continued on since in most case's people move on to see if it activates by it self then i got THE BOOK OF LOVE quest then when i get to the point i need to speak with either men then nothing else happens, the quest arrows dissapears and the quest doesnt move forward.


this has me frustrated cause i dont know if other quest will continue on like these as well and if it does then i wont be able to play skyrim and YES its modded but mostly with texture mods and some animations mods. i have a total of 90 plugins of mods active counting the DLC. i have skyrim the Legendary version in case that matters with no HIGH TEXTURE DLC PACK.



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