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need help to make items that need a certain lvl to use


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i'm making a mod which contains some rewards. And I have a few items that are just a bit stronger than deadra.

But here is the point: on this moment u can use them no matter what lvl u are. So i want to make them wieldable when you reach lvl 22. But i dont know how to do that.

I want to place the items in a chest. So if you are lvl 1 to 21, and you open the chest, the items mustn't be there. but when you reach lvl 22, the items must appear in the chest, so when you open the chest while you are lvl 22, you can just take them and use them.

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begin OnActivate
if player.GetLevel < 22
MessageBox "The clasp on this chest shifts out of your hand"


This'll only let the player open the chest if they're level 22 or higher.


do i need to put this in the script area?

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You'll need to create a new script, and attach it to the chest.


To do that, select Edit Scripts under Gameplay. This will bring up a text-editing window.


Select New Script(?)


Type in (or copy and change the name) scn Kleyn_[DescriptiveName]


And copy the previously detailed script, make sure the top-right pulldown says Object, and save.


I assume you know how to create a container and attach a script to it?


EDIT: They didn't include an obvious Paste function, but CTRL+V works.

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