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Hi I am currently doing a cutscene where I disable the player controls and a follower npcREF investigate a place and is blown up.

I have solved the first part but I can´t get the explosion part to work. I have examined the TrapGrenadeBunchSCRIPT But I can´t figure out how do modify it. I doesn´t seem to have a damage component to it? I Can hear the click of the areatrigger activator so I must be within the script.


I am also considering if I can use placeAtMe and place an explosion in the NPC inventory. Does anyone how I should proceed with it? ( I know the script includes many options to disable the grenades but I only need to blow up the NPC so in short I don´t mind if the extra components are in the script but I don´t need them.)


Should I write a new script using PlaceAtMe and add an explosion to the npcREF or can this script be edited to fit my needs?


I ´ll include the script here:

scn TrapGrenadeBunchSCRIPT
; a bundle grenades tied to a tripwire

short detected			;check to see if the player has activated the trap. 1=activated, 0=not activated
short button			;0 = disarm, 1 = don't disarm
short trapDiff 		;difficulty of the trap. If the player's skill is higher, they beat the trap.
ref grenade
short doOnce

short rewardXPOnce
short XPForDisarm 

begin onLoad
setStage NQlvl 1
set detected to 0


begin onTrigger
if doOnce != 1
	set doOnce to 1
	playsound3D TRPGrenadeBouquet
	do 5			;damage for 5 points

begin onActivate

if getActionRef == player
	setVatsTarget 1

	if getDestructionStage <= 1			;this is so the player can't pick up an activated grenade and disarm
		if player.getAV explosives >= NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq		;This var is set when the NQlvl stage is set to 1
			ShowMessage TrapGrenadeDetectMsg				;do you want to take the grenades?
			set detected to 1;
			ShowMessage TrapGrenadeClusterActivateLowSkillMsg NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq

elseif getActionRef != player
	if doOnce != 1
		set doOnce to 1
	playsound3D TRPGrenadeBouquet
	do 5			;damage for 5 points



begin onHit

playsound3D TRPGrenadeBouquet



begin gameMode

if detected == 1				;don't run stuff in game mode unless recently activated 
	set button to getButtonPressed		;grab the button state, you don't know when this will be set
	if button > -1			;if a valid response is received start doing stuff
		if button == 1
			ShowMessage TrapGrenadeHarvest		;player chose to get grenades and deactivate trap
			player.additem weapGrenadeFrag 3
				if rewardXPOnce == 0
					if NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq< getGS iLockLevelMaxVeryEasy
						set XPForDisarm to 0
					elseif NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq< getGS iLockLevelMaxEasy
						set XPForDisarm to TrapXPRewardVeryEasy
					elseif NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq< getGS iLockLevelMaxAverage
						set XPForDisarm to TrapXPRewardEasy
					elseif NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq< getGS iLockLevelMaxHard
						set XPForDisarm to TrapXPRewardAverage
					elseif NQlvl.TRAPGrenadeBouquetSkillReq< getGS iLockLevelMaxVeryHard
						set XPForDisarm to TrapXPRewardHard
						set XPForDisarm to TrapXPRewardVeryHard
					set rewardXPOnce to 1
					rewardXP XPforDisarm

		set detected to 0	;stop running stuff 


Edited by viking99
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I solved the problem using this script I`ll post it so someone else can learn from it.



short addOnce

Begin OnTrigger HMBullsEyeRanchREF

If Getstage HMQ4 == 60 && addOnce == 0
HMBullsEyeRanchREF.PlaceAtMe FakeMediumExplosion
HMBullsEyeRanchREF.kill HMBullsEyeRanchREF

EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

	SetStage HMQ4 65

	set addOnce to 1


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