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Can custom races use animation ?


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There is only 1 single skeleton file for player and NPCs in this game, well, make that 2, because there's 1 with tail and 1 without, so all races use the same, and coming with that also the same set of animations. It's a game engine limitation which can only be overcome/worked around with sophisticated scripting and/or OBSE.


So an animation replacer, if it replaces the actual files, automatically affects "all" races.

The kinds of replacers which modify actors so they use a different set from the "SpecialAnims" category of animations will of course only affect individual actors, not races per se.

Then there's the custom idle animation mods where you trigger said idles on NPCs or the player, either by a spell or an item. These again don't mind the "race" the actors are of.

And then there's the kind of mods utilizing Blockhead and/or OBSE to exchange regular animations with their own custom ones, which can be done on a per-race basis as well as per-actor, or only for the player, where of course, depending on the option used, "custom" races might be unaffected by it.


So what exactly is it you want to know in this regard? Your original question in the title is too bogus/ambiguous.

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