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Good Necromancy Mods


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ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin. In essence i'm looking for some good Necromancy mods and maybe a nice Castle for my vampire togive a whole Dracula fealing. I heard about this SurReal Necromancy mod but I havn't been ableto fi nd a downlaod for it. (and i'm still gettign the hang of Craftybits) Would anyone mind helping me? As far as Castles one tot he North would be nice perticularly the North East. Dragon's Blood seams a little too disjoinnted and doesn't make much sense as far as Castles go. I've trieed Blackclaw and that has an issue of causing my game to crash and Crusador Vlad's conflicts wit Frostcrag Spire.
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Moriarcis: City of the Dead is a bit old, but still works just fine.

Mannimarco Resurrection - Light and Dark is an amazing piece of work. It allows you to join Mannimarco after you finish the Mages' Guild questline, or continue to fight him.

A word of warning, however: After completing the questlines from both these mods, my character was friendly with every undead in the game. It made a lot of the dungeons rather boring. :(

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