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Project APEX needs you!


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If you have seen the other threads i have started on these most illustrious forums, or seen our website, you will know that we have big plans for our mod. We have ideas, script, lore, quests. All we are missing is someone to ACTUALLY MAKE the damn thing. We are in need of mappers, scripters, and generally people who know how to use the editor to a basic degree. Someone, please sign up. Dont make me learn how to use the editor. PLEASE!!! *sound desperate enough? Maybe one more* PLEASE!!!


Cheers guys and gals. Go to the web on the sig or PM me.

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fair enough. Ok, all bow down to I Am That Is Matthias because he has more posts than me... *stomps into the corner and cries "For i only have the net at school, not at home. Oh the humanity!!!"*


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I'm not over-dramatic *takes first step of stomping in to the corner, then thinks better of it*


player> update mode 1


Certainly, a teaser plug will be released, certainly with a town and a basic map of the world we plan to make. Also, if i can get the assassins guild stuff made in time, a piece of the guild missions giving a hint of one of the main sub-storylines that will be going on in the full release.


Also (if i kick my butt into gear) we will have a new, revamped website :construction: with some screenies of the mod, and spoilers of the plotline (which noone will read, because that would be cheating... :lol: )


Update mode 0. Nuff said.

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Really? Good, what would you specialise in? If you say scripting or mapping, i can gaurantee (sp :angry: ) you a play on the team. Have you any prior experience with mods (apologies if you have a really famous mod that i don't know about :blush: )


If yes, post the name of it on this thread. PM me with anything else you can think of.

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Absolutely. i guarantee you a place on the team. As Lead Writer *head swells* i insist you write for us. I'll send you a copy of the storyline (its not the one on the website; i SWEAR). See what you think and get back to me. I'll let Vbgraphix know about your appointment, and (if its ok) i'll send him your email address so he can email you.


Thanks for the response people, this has really helped.


player>/ update mode 1


So, i think i should make public whats going on with the project. I am currently waiting for emails from all the people who have signed up with us. Those who do not reply, do not get included. Work will begin soon, and we need everyone who can do work to start doing it. I've sent an email to all the memers whose addresses i have, asking for you to replyt if you are in. if not, suit yourself. The people who have posted on the various threads on these forums, that means you too. You have two weeks to mail me, or you will get removed from the mail list we have. This is serious people.


There, rant over.

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