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Lost 3rd person camera - plus incentives!


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I am having a problem since installing a bunch of mods. I have completely lost ability to switch to 3rd person view. key command and mousewheel do no not work. I am assuming the first thing to try is to deactivate all mods and activate one at a time until achieving the error again- but I was wondering if anyone has encountered this issue before. I know this kind of thing can be a needle in a haystack situation so hopefully someone out there may be able to help.


I am using FOMM and FNVEdit. I f someone needs me to post my mod list or anything else please let me know.


In addition, as I don't expect you smart folks on here to spend their precious time helping this newb for free, I am willing to offer in trade my art services in the form of a b&w ink sketch of your FNV character in exchange for the troubleshooting help. For proof of quality go here - http://picasaweb.google.com/flameape to check out my art.


Thanks for helping this modding newb in advance!

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