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A New Companion


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Greetings and thanks to those that will be taking time to read my words,


I am requesting a new companion mod, I have tried the following Companion Mods


Vilja the Alchemist

Companion Neeshka

Stoker Wolff

Viconia De'vir


CM Partners Mod Basic

Companion Share and Recruit


Why do I still want a new mod? While I do enjoy the company (and presence) of many female adventurers, a man may still have his fantasies of a band of brothers, adventurer-in-arms, A Sir Knight and his Faithful Squire, and etc. those type of things (Well, Stoker didn't seem like the squire-ly type and was a romance option, so..)


I lack the complete understanding of TES Construction Set (How did I do the CM then? There's a read-me file that has instructions to everything! Very thoughtful, pretty much like a CM Partner for Dummies)


Yes, I should stop babbling and type my request now... Seriously, I should just delete the above huh?


Squire Gearhardt

A Simple Companion that has developing stages and quests through out, his equipments cannot be touched, so there's a certain appearance at certain stage, and the squire grows more powerful as you help him advance through his knighthood


a rough idea such as..


From Quest Stage 1 - 10 (Not literally 10 quests, normally 1, 5, and 10, with other possibilities and branches... well... you modders know what I mean)


Quest 1: Gearhardt the Squire

In Bruma, near the Statue of Lucky Old Lady, a young and poorly equipped Imperial asked for aid in search of his master, he described himself as the arms-bearer, a Squire, of a Knight, and were dispatched to seek aid...


Quest 2-1: A New Squire (

I agreed to become the Squire's new master, and when he is ready to test out for knighthood, he will come and talk to me again.


Quest 2-2: Squire without a Knight (Refusal to become his new master)

The knightless Squire is now wandering in the streets of Bruma again, and hopefully one day I will agree to become his Sir Knight and train him...


Quest 2-3: Fallen Squire (He died during the quest searching for the Knight)

On the quest searching for his master, the Squire did not endure to the end, he is now fallen and walking with the Nine... and his Knight (Okay, maybe it doesn't have to be this sarcastic)


Quest 3: Path to Knighthood (Choices of the Squire's knighthood)

Choice 1: Knights of the Thorn

Choice 2: Knights of the White Stallion (Knight-Errant)

Choice 3: ......... Knights of the Nine?

Choice 4: ...................... Knight of Mad Court?


Quest 4: The Accolade, The Dubbing, Le Adoubement

The young Squire passed his test, and will be preparing for the day of his Knighthood

(24 hours wait, Squire leaves the player for 1 day, when player returns, Squire has a new set of armor on him)


Quest 5: Sir Gearhardt

Even after becoming a Knight, the young Squ... Knight still offered to travel with me, just like the good old days.


Quest 6: Duty Calls (When Player reaches lvl 15 or 20, or traveled with you for a period of time, days, weeks, or even months)

One day, Gearhardt received a letter from his order, an emergency, as he described to me, and is required of his immediate attention. (Sir Gear. Leaves the player and asks the player to meet him at his order)


Quest 7: Master Gearhardt

Knight Gearhardt has done a great deed and service to his order, and is now the Master Knight (Gearhardt appears with even better set of armor)


Of course, the details of the conversation, banter, and his armor sets to keep him from under/overpower the character can be discussed further if people are willing to take up the mod!


I would love to see this character blossom


Here are some screen shots I took while he's still a CM character:

Near the Statue of Lucky Old Lady, The Young and Poorly Equipped Imperial



Squires have Fears, too


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This is a really interesting idea... but you may have to learn how to work the CS and do it yourself. This kind of thing is a LOT of work, maybe several months' worth, depending on the modder's spare time.

My thanks for taking your time complimenting the idea


And yes, I am willing to learn, I am willing to spare my time for this...


but the "serveral months" is the key to whether if the mod should be developed now or til Skyrim is out and maybe then I'll have a Squire with the Dragonborn!


So... Aye, if the answer to the request is not possibly done within a shorter period of time, I might as well just drop it for now and wait for the glorious Skyrim

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