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Issue with ChunkMerge and clutter collision


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So I'm really not sure what's up with this, but:


I can use ChunkMerge to add collision to my clutter nif, but for some reason it will only let me do it one of two ways. If I use farmbannerpost01 as the template, the collision is exactly the right shape but is a static collision, when what I need is a havoked one. If I use any havoked file as the template -- I've tested it with basket01 and a couple others -- the generated collision is identical to the collision for the template object, not the source nif. So I can get havoked collision that's the wrong shape, or static collision that's the right shape.


I am somewhat at a loss. Does anyone know why ChunkMerge does this?


Note: I can't just add collision to it with NifUtils, as it creates a collision with 0 vertices and 0 normals and therefore doesn't work. Hence, using ChunkMerge.


Also: does anyone know how to convert the bhkMoppBvTreeShape to a bhkConvexVerticesShape? The latter seems a lot less complicated when it comes to trying to manually change a static collision to a havoked one.

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Chunk Merge does not support havoked collision, the result will always be static.

What you can do is: Take the static collision provided by Chunk Merge and change both values in the bhkRigidBody to SKYL_CLUTTER and make all the other necessary changes (compare to a vanilla clutter item with similar behavior).

And you cannot simply convert the bhkMoppBvTreeShape to a bhkConvexVerticesShape. You have to use the method that I described in the other thread.

Edited by Tamira
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Hmm. Okay. I was having an issue when I did that with the item having havoc but then basically gliding along the ground instead of falling and staying, but I'll keep trying to figure it out. I appreciate you helping me again; I was trying not to bug you again specifically since I already bugged you several times.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi, I know this is a very old thread but I am having the same issue with collision for clutter, Skyrim SE. I have static collision working fine, but can't get clutter to work, I have a simple cube created in Blender 2.79 and exported with nif plugin 2.6 pre alpha branch and I am using nifskope 2.0, chunkmerge and SSE NIF Optimizer.

The cube exported fine from Blender, and using a static nif from Skyrim SE converted to Oldrim using "SSE NIF Optimizer" as a template for chunkmerge I managed to get the static collision working perfectly.

I now want to create a clutter item that can be kicked and picked up in game. I can change all the nif branches such as Layer, motion system, quality type and things but I can't convert the bhkMoppBvTreeShape into a bhkConvexVerticesShape.

Tamira says "You have to use the method that I described in the other thread", but I can't find that thread. Is there an answer please?


Edited by welwork
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Delete the collision branch that was your static collision.

Right-click on the NiTriShape branch, select Havok > Create Convex Shape.

Most of the options should be proper default but open a 2nd window of NifSkope with a vanilla clutter item and compare, just in case.

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Delete the collision branch that was your static collision.

Right-click on the NiTriShape branch, select Havok > Create Convex Shape.

Most of the options should be proper default but open a 2nd window of NifSkope with a vanilla clutter item and compare, just in case.

Hi, after all this time thanks for making the effort to reply.

I tried that before and couldn't get it to work. This time I did!


Create model in Blender

Export to nif

Create the convex shape as described by Hanaisse. If there are no vertices in the block once you've done this you need to do it again with different values for roundoff and radius until you get some.

Once that was done I had to do Spells - Sanitise - reorder blocks. This step seems to be essential, otherwise it can make the nif look perfect, but it won't work.

Then I converted to SSE format using "SSE NIF Optimizer"

Finally I set BSXFlags, Layer, Inertia Tensor (this seems important for clutter), motion system, solver deactivation, quality type and material by comparing it with a nif that works - again essential!

Put model in game - it worked!


So THANK YOU Hanaisse for making me think to keep trying this method!

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