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Unable to install mod [N00b]


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Hello people


this is my first post on this forum, and Im new to TES IV and modding, so please dont bash me for beeing a newbie.


So I just wanted to install the All Natural mod. I have downloaded and installed Wrye Bash and it seems to work, I can see all the different DLCs enabled in the game.

My problem is that I dont know how to import the mod into Oblivion. The readme wasnt wery helpful, I have no clue what to do with the OBSE thing.


I dont even know where to find the "oblivion mods" folder. I am so desperate that I created such a folder in the main oblivion folder, and then started Wrye, went on the installation tab, but theres no package to select.


I hope some of you might give me some answers.

PS: I have the steam version and Win7 64bit



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OBSE is available at the author's site, Here: http://obse.silverlock.org/


The install instructions are included in the download. Unzip it to a safe location - NOT into the game data folder.

Then read the instructions to see how to install. There is a small difference if you are using steam so read that part also.


OBSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod so read the documentation first. :thumbsup:

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OBSE is available at the author's site, Here: http://obse.silverlock.org/


The install instructions are included in the download. Unzip it to a safe location - NOT into the game data folder.

Then read the instructions to see how to install. There is a small difference if you are using steam so read that part also.


OBSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod so read the documentation first. :thumbsup:



I have installed OBSE now, and also found the Oblivion Mods folder. The problem is that Wrye Bash says I dont have installed OBSE which is wrong, I installed it exactly like in the readme.

Edited by crisisk
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