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problem with mod manager


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Im trying to add a mod by ways of using the 'edit override packet' function of dao modmanager. when i hit the button an error appears that says:


could not load file or assembly 'ICsharpcode.sharpziplib.

version= culture=neutral

publickeytoken=1b03e6acf1164f73' or one of its dependencies. the

located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly

reference. (exception from HRESULT: ox80131040).


im new to modding Dao, and i want this mod, any help would be appreciated.

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Hey, A7xGiLLoA7, sorry you're having a problem.


Not sure what you mean by "adding a mod" in that way. I've been using DAMM for over a year and never had to resort to anything like that. You might want to review this article: "Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies".


While it doesn't discuss DAMM in any detail, it'll give you a better general understanding of the various kinds of mods for DA, and might help you figure out what's going on in this case.


It would also help us to help you if you'd give the name of the specific mod you're trying to use. Troubleshooting ideas will differ depending on what type of mod it is. :thumbsup:

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