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Bug: Female corpses in quest show up naked

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Hi. I have a quest in which several npc have been murdered. When the player arrives on-scene, the male corpse is fully clothed but the females are not. I need some help fixing the glitch. Here are some details:


1. I am working on this mod with NO other mods installed on my pc -- not even the DLC are installed. I have tested this on a second pc using mods. Same bug.


2. Clue: These corpses start the game disabled, and are enabled during the quest. Female corpses, with the identical outfit, which start the game enabled (just dead) are properly clothed.


3. Clue --> If I am standing in the cell where the corpse is located at the stage she is enabled by the quest, she will be wearing her outfit! If I am outside the cell, and walk in via the load door, she will be naked. Example, in one stage of the quest, 1 female and 1 male corpse appear in a room. If I am standing next to them and set the stage, both M and F appear dressed.


4. All these npc are located in cells with other living npc. But then, so are the corpses mentioned in #2.


5. These npc have identical outfits and are in the same faction. I have tried changing the outfit to a default one, but the females still appear undressed (default gold underwear) in game.


6. The female inventories are untouched, only their clothes are gone.


7. In the CK, all corpses male and female are clothed.


Edit: I have failed in my attempt to force the female corpse to wear clothes by including a stage when the player enters the cell, using the fragment

Actor IjiDead = Alias_IjiDead.GetActorRef()
IjiDead.SetOutfit(Uniform) Only seems to work for living npc.


I really need some advice, this is a pretty immersion-shattering occurrence I have to get fixed. These are all mage-students, and their outfits are an important factor in the quest. Thank you for whatever insight you can provide.

Edited by Ahondara
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Addendum: I tried giving the dead females a "sleep" outfit in addition to the usual outfit, but not only did that do nothing, I seem to recall that sleep outfits are a thing Beth. gave up on. Anyway, the search for a fix continues.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Seen this here for awhile and decided to respond, even though I don't really know the answer.


I think what is happening is the game is attempting to "clean" the corpse of its items, as if it had been killed by the player and left alone for awhile. You probably need to set some sort of flag on the corpse to tell the game not to clean it.


EDIT: Also be aware of mods you have enabled that might modify how the game cleans up corpses.

Edited by matortheeternal
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I've seen cases in the default game where dead characters show up naked. For example, all the guards who respond to any dragon attack in Kinesgrove are all naked when I find their bodies after the attack is over. No idea why. Also, the mother in Frostflow lighthouse is always naked with a Falmor weapon stuck in her. That makes me think this is a general engine issue you'll have to work around. I'd suggest that when you enable the body, add the items you wish them to wear and then equip those items specifically.


Note, this bug, if that's what it is, has been around for a while. I noticed the other day playing through FONV that the powdergangers attacked by fire geckos at the house near the deathclaws just north of Sloan wind up naked about half the time.

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  • 2 months later...

Just checking back on this, and wanted to point out that this "bug" doesn't happen if I am standing in the cell where the corpse is enabled, at the time it is enabled. In my quest 2 corpses appear -- 1 male, 1 female in a timed event. If I am standing in the room when the event happens, they both have their clothes on. If I am outside when the event happens and walk in via the load door, OR coc in with the console, she's naked, he's got clothes on.


It wouldn't be SO bad, but she's naked and he's not and I didn't want people to think I'm any more of a twisted perv than I actually am. "Don't use that guy's mod, that creepy b*stard has naked dead girls in it."

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Just checking back on this, and wanted to point out that this "bug" doesn't happen if I am standing in the cell where the corpse is enabled, at the time it is enabled. In my quest 2 corpses appear -- 1 male, 1 female in a timed event. If I am standing in the room when the event happens, they both have their clothes on. If I am outside when the event happens and walk in via the load door, OR coc in with the console, she's naked, he's got clothes on.


It wouldn't be SO bad, but she's naked and he's not and I didn't want people to think I'm any more of a twisted perv than I actually am. "Don't use that guy's mod, that creepy b*stard has naked dead girls in it."


Try making the corpses persistent.

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