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I just really hope this is not like wow...

Guest deleted1848294

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Guest deleted1848294
what i mean is all the dragons and stuff i hope its not like wow with the black dragons and the red ones ect ect like i kind of find that skinda stupid.... if you disagree your entilted to your own opinion but dont troll... its very anoying :)
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Dont think it will be anything like that...even if it would have a bit of it, skyrim is a different cake, just when you look at graphics its miles different and therefore the feeling/experience about the game will be miles different from wow.
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what i mean is all the dragons and stuff i hope its not like wow with the black dragons and the red ones ect ect like i kind of find that skinda stupid.... if you disagree your entilted to your own opinion but dont troll... its very anoying :)


umm what... the whole dragon color/factions isnt even something WOW come up with its from dungeons and dragons. WOW and elder scrolls are TOTALLY different games in terms of gameplay they're nothing alike. so you have nothing to worry about.

Edited by hector530
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Comparing the Elder Scrolls to WOW? *gasp* Blasphemy! :tongue: ;D


I am very, very, very, very certain that Skyrim will be nothing like World of Warcraft. It's in a totally different ballpark....gameplay-wise and graphics-wise.


Besides, dragons have been a part of Elder Scrolls lore since the beginning...they're not new to the series at all.

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All I have to say is variety. You can never have enough variety. All the dragons have one purpose, to eat you and the other npcs. You just have to kill them first!
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The only thing I'm concerned about reguarding them dragons is that they will be abused as some sort of "nerd bait". You know what I mean, being plonked down for you to admire every odd step because the producer have explicitly ordered a higher dragon-quota. "People who like fantasy like dragons, don't they? So if we have as many dragons as possible, they spend more money. You heard me, devs! More dragons! More!!"


The WoW-dragons have recently suffered a bit from that very syndrome, being nothing more than flat, shallow cardboard cutouts that are supposed to envoke our little fantasy-tingles. Of course, the root problem with WoW at the moment is that everything have to be "awesomesauce!!1" to appeal to the broadest possible audience, which mean proper storytelling and character development, et cetera, have been forced to move over to the back-seat. Or rather, in the boot.


So yes, there is a genuine risk that the poor dragons will be milked post-Twilight fad vampire-style in a detached attempt to wring more money out of the fanbase's pockets. However, I aspire to live in hope. There is an equal chance that Bethesda keep things tasteful, and allow the dragons some sort of mystical, aloof decency. But until we all stand upon the cold, grey rock of Skyrim, we can't be sure. Best scenario; dragons will merely be seen perhaps floating far, far up amongst the clouds and will only descend upon the player when it matters at important plotpoints for maximum efficiency. Worst scenario; you valiantly fight a big, mean dwagon off the moment you step out of the tutorial dungeon, with plenty of opportunities for the dragon in question to proudly display itself for us. Let's just hope them dragons won't be boiled down to marketable gimmicks.


And on the WoW-dragons again; if I remember correctly, there were dragons way back in Warcraft II, albeit a fairly generic kind. WoW does have a history before 2005, y'know. :3

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