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Ant Removal/Replacement Mod


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Hello folks, I'm a guy who still likes playing New Vegas even with Fallout 4 on the horizon. Anyway. My SO also loves to play the game. However, he also has a serious, really bad phobia of ants, and a lot of areas/quests in the game have those creepy crawlies as enemies. I was wondering if someone would be nice enough to replace them (he said he'd be fine with some easy peasy mod where the models of the things were just swapped with anything else and the creatures renamed) or remove them without breaking the quests? I know Volare! involves killing a bunch for instance. I would do it myself but I have no idea how to begin doing that.


Thank you very much in advance to anyone who tries to help us out here.

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there are tons of mods out there that do this. I was recently told that some of them dont work quite right, so I made a new one which I haven't recieved any complaints about. Just have to look around and see what you can find and what you like.


heres mine



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