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[Skyrim] Alive mannequins, please?


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10 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to have your mannequins move, like they were live?

    • Absolutely!
    • Only a little...
    • No, but let them change poses when I'm not home.
    • You nuts?!

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Hello everybody. I've just got a new house and saw the mannequins move glitch firsthand. I cheated to get all the houses (and a few more from mods), and yep, they all do move and look at the player. Oddly, instead of getting creeped out I enjoy this.


But they stop moving when I put armor on them! NOOOO!!!


Is there any mod, here or outside, which can breath life into them again? At least let me change the stances?


Also it's a bit annoying that I can't put a weapon on a mannequin. I mean, come on, at least in sheathed state it's technically another garment! Don't you actually "wear" a sword belt, or a quiver?


Please tell me if you know any way to achieve any of that. Or if not, would you modders out there, capable of turning the frosty continent into a tropical paradise, consider a little new mod here?

Edited by mblanc
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