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OBGE completely stopped working?


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So I finished all my business in Cyrodiil and jumped on over to the Shivering Isles. I had a problem in the regular game where the southern portion of the map was cutting off and it annoyed me, so I searched for a fix. At first by editing my UI mod's map config file to change the zoom level, which fixed it, but zoomed the map in way too close for comfort. I decided to try a new UI mod, and switched from my old Darnified BTmod to regular old Darnified UI, and it fixed my map issue, but I noticed that none of my OBGE shaders seemed to be active any more, as they were for the past 120 hours of gameplay. I still have the support plugin item in my inventory, but it simply has no shaders listed on it. The shader files are still in my game directory, but I can't get the support plugin to list them. I switched my UI mod back to Darnified BTmod, and it didn't fix anything, I still had the issue.


Oddly enough, older save games still have the shader effects enabled. So I can load a save from a few weeks ago and still see all my shaders active and working, however if I try to open the plugin item to edit them, the game just crashes entirely.


Tried reinstalling OBGEv2 and the issue persists. What can I do?

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