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Opened am iron sword in NifSkope. Wtf?!


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So I've been getting into modding for skyrim, and I finally figured out how to make my own models. But when I opened the .nif file for the iron sword (longsword.nif), I immidiately noticed like a stick attached to a ring that was stuck into the sword. So I googled "skyrim iron sword", and in every image I see, it's not there. Like wtf is it?


Can someone please explain it to me? I want to also add a screenshot, but it keeps saying "This upload failed", and the image is barely 57KB.

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The ring you see is mesh for sheat. (probably) You know, the leather strap that holds you sword on you hip. And the "stick", is it a white line from the sheet to nowhere? If it is, than you do not need to concern yourself about it. I think that's how nifskope show how fare i sheat from the center of player body. But don't quote me on that, I am no expert.

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The ring you see is mesh for sheat. (probably) You know, the leather strap that holds you sword on you hip. And the "stick", is it a white line from the sheet to nowhere? If it is, than you do not need to concern yourself about it. I think that's how nifskope show how fare i sheat from the center of player body. But don't quote me on that, I am no expert.

Thank you so much. :D

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