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Anyone wanna do a ragdoll fix? Most enemies don't ragdoll when they die (I noticed they only do when they're executed or dismembered). I found that when you use aard on their corpse it'll force them to ragdoll. Can someone find a workaround? Also, some characters "jump" when they die (as they turn into a ragdoll) and it looks very silly. I would make a fix but don't have the time or experience.


Some suggestions I have are:


-remove the death animations or drastically reduce the chance of them (nekkers)

-knock the character away as they ragdoll in the direction of the killing blow (if this is what's causing them to jump as they ragdoll maybe try removing it?)

-make the ragdolls a lot heavier (could also help with them jumping...?) - including dismembered body parts


A HUGE thank you to who ever does this... It's a huge request by me and many friends. Would definitely endorse and share with every one

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I'm a bit confused, as I've noticed ragdoll on every enemy except wolves, wargs, and dogs. However even they ragdoll, if you happen to execute (stab finisher on the ground) them.


However I have noticed the "jump" thing sometimes. Especially when doing a finisher.


I don't believe I'm wrong, since I tend to care a lot about this particular topic lol, but there's always the chance I'm misremembering. Sorry if that is indeed the case, although I really do feel like it isn't.


Regardless, good luck on someone fulfilling your request man :)

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