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Do you have any REAL Ghost Stories to tell?


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KevKiev in BE's "What Have You Seen" thread brought something that happened to me recently to mind, thus the idea for this thread. And no, it is not a joke, it really did happen.


During our last big snow, my daughter and I were in my bed taking a leisurely afternoon nap. She had been a bit miffed with me when we laid down, but we didn't discuss it further, just went to sleep. Around 5 pm, my sister called waking me up. She was still asleep I thought.


After the phone call, I got up to go to the loo. She kind of mumbled something that sounded like "thank you for sleeping by me..." or "are you going to come back to sleep with me..." Made sense, since she was annoyed with me when we laid down. As I was getting up, I said, I'm only going to the bathroom. She said something else I couldn't make out, so I yelled from the bathroom, "I can't hear you!"


About 5 seconds later, she came out of my room with her eyes as big as dollars. She said "what was that??!" I said what are you talking about? She looked at me and said "I wasn't talking Mama, I didn't say a word." At that point, I just looked at her and said, are you kidding? She shook her head no. It wouldn't have been so bad, if the voice hadn't come from right in the bed, between us. To me it sounded like her voice, to her it sounded like mine. Either way, something had just been talking and not only had we BOTH heard it, but I had ANSWERED it!! And it spoke back :ohmy:


Of course, my mind attempted to go back and recreate the whole scenario, but I couldn't because I wasn't paying attention. It was nothing out of the ordinary, so there was nothing to stick out about the encounter as it was happening. We were pretty weirded out. Then she asked me if I had held her hand in her sleep. I hadn't to my knowledge. When she came up, I actually had my back to her. She to this day refuses to believe it wasn't me that held her hand.


After that happened, then I thought back to two incidents that had happened within the past 48 hours. One I had come up to go to bed and heard talking. Just one sentence from my bedroom (she was in there asleep, I have a waterbed and she has arthritis, so she's often in there). I dismissed it as the TV, but at the time I thought to myself, I thought I turned the volume off on the TV. When I went into the room, the TV volume was down, but I didn't pay attention to the setting just pushed the button. It was also a man's voice, and that is not what was on the TV at the time.


Then a day before that, I had been in there taking another nap and heard again, just a sentence or two I couldn't make out, but that sounded like the radio. I remembered thinking, hmmm that sounds like a radio. But I was drifting off to sleep and gave it no further thought. Both times I dismissed the incidents because there was nothing to alert me that something was amiss.


It was REALLY a crazy thing to happen with the voice in the bed though. All that evening no cats came in the room to sleep on the bed and my German Shepherd kept pacing in and out of the bedroom, although I felt nothing bad or evil. I just made it known that this was our house, had been for a long time, and we weren't going anywhere. So we could live in peace, I'd help if there was anything I could do, but no more surprises and no evil stuff.


Since then, we've had no more incidents in my room. But I have to admit, while I wasn't scared, I was a bit wary for a couple of weeks. I don't like surprises, especially the disembodied voice kind!


Anybody else had any paranormal or just plain weird, inexplicable stuff happen to them?

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I got one. It could be a memory of a dream that has altered over time, but it feels so real you know? Or maybe I'm crazy :D

Anyway it was a couple of years ago, around 11 am and I was just laying in my bed, relaxing. Suddenly I feel something on my back, as if two hands push me down into the mattress, so hard I can't breathe, and a thundering voice in my head says "get outta here". It said it in swedish, but I'm translating it, of course. After about 5 seconds the pressure released, and I just lied there, completely exhausted and thinking "wtf happened?". Eventually got up and ate breakfast.

I don't know what that was all about, but I haven't experienced anything "paranormal" after that. :P

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Not sure if it's exacly something related, but anyway. I was walking home with my sister, after one of her concerts and I think it was around 11:00 PM. At one point all the street lights started to close one by one in front of us, not all at once how it normaly happends when a blackout occurs and we where standing there in total darkness. At the same time the wind started to blow faster. There where no other people or cars on the street(side street) so you can imagine how we felt. My sister called a cab and I have to admit that we where happy when we saw the car's lights. Edited by Pushkatu
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Very scary stories, both of them!


Push's reminded me of something that happened when I was in college. I lived in a small town about 1 hour away from where I went to school. One night I was driving home really late at night, like about 1 am and took "the back way." The back way was the older, original highway to the town and went thru a speck of a community. You also had to cross one of those old fashioned iron bridges. No lights, nothing but woods and farmland on each side.


It was foggy that night along that stretch of road. Fog always creeps me out anyway. As I came upon a house that sat off to the right side of the road, I saw a small boy standing by the side of the road up ahead, in the area almost directly in front of the house. I remember thinking "what on EARTH is that kid doing out here by the road this time of night!?" He had on a blue shirt or pajamas, or something. As I got up close to him, the image just swirled into a puff of fog. I just looked straight ahead and thought OMG! What did I just see?!?


I still had like 15 minutes to go so I had no choice but to try and put it out of my mind and drive on home. One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me. Still kind of gives me a bit of the goose bumps.


Speaking of goosebumps, my daughter saw the movie Insidious tonight. Now bear in mind we are HARD core horror genre movie watchers. Our collection would probably scare most normal folks, lol ANYway, she said she went into the movie thinking it was going to be crap, but she was so wrong. She said at one point she just let loose and full scale screamed! She said it is VERY scary. I was jealous I didn't see it yet, lol Takes a lot to scare us like that.

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Oh god, have i got some things for you.


In my town, there was an insanity hospital / asylum. It has since been converted into a university, and restaurant.

My mother went there for the university part, and one night I went to try the food (cooked by the trainee chef's).

Well, the night before I went, my mother called me and said 'I'm at the university, and theres wierd noises in the toilet.' and thats all I can really remember from that call.

Now, after my meal the following night, I did the customary bottle 'a booze, and then needed to relieve myself, so I headed off the toilets.

It wasnt cool, the windows were shut and the fans were off as far as I could tell. When I was washing my hands, the room went snap freezing, like walking into a bottle shop chiller room when its cold outside. I swear could hear a noise that resembled 'move, now, move, now' over and over again. As I was moving out at a rather frantic pace, one of the toilets flushed. I dont know if anyone else was in there at the time, and didnt really care. I just left.


Now one thing I noticed from some research, the toilet block was originally a ward room, that was converted when the restaurant was put in. 3 men are reported to have had crazy moments and insanity episodes, leading to them both hanging themselves in that room, in the space of 1 week, then the room was closed off.


Also, the glass panels on the door leading to the bar have scratches in the glass, that were apparently done by the 'inmates' of the asylum. Now these arent just haphazard scratches, they drew pictures. Freakin pictures.



There is a picture of the main building, you can just see the restaurant on the right, and thers a collection of buildings behind. You can JUST see some of the auditorium on the left there.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I've had quite a few instances while growing up. I recall in one house, a old villa on the Thames coast in New Zealand back then strange music used to play in the middle of the night and sometimes I would see ladies dressed in old fashioned dresses walking around the house.


Another time in a different home I had invoked a spell to bring a guardian to our home - I was a teen then, and soon after meaning a few days a spirit man appeared, and set about the house. Made cat spooked as anything and he was hiss and spit at it and run as fast as he could. When the photograph of my dead grandfather came to life meaning the face in the photo started looking around it creeped out my mother even more so, I didn't see it happen but she told me and was scared stiff. Eventually at a different location a priest family friend performed excercism on me, that same night my mother told me a sweeping gust of wind blew several times around the house and in the morning the violets under my bedroom window on the exterior were squashed flat.


I've had quite a lot of strange but true things happen to me in my life.


My family for generations had unnatural gifts, it skipped my mother but I was born with some abilitys. My most powerful is the ability to know a person will die and how just by looking at them. It's happen twice in my life. The first instance I was 16 and I was at school and I was talking to her, and suddenly i just had this bad feeling come over me and just knew. I warned her not to get into a car that day but she laughed and mocked me, later that day we were told she had died in a car crash during lunch time. I have never forgotton it, and I never will.


The other time was with my tutor and I got the same sort of bad feeling and I knew he didn't have long left and I said so, told him and again I got laughed at. A few months later I heard from a friend he had passed away, a tractor accident on the farm where he tutored us, It had somehow flipped and landed on him and he got squished.


It always tramatises me to know these things, I try to warn, but people don't listen. But I hope that if someone warns any of you of things of this nature, don't mock the person. They are honestly trying to help and maybe they have a gift such as this.


Not all mages are merely people with no ability and charge through the roof for 'services'


The real ones don't and never will charge.

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Wow! That is outrageous! It's a wonder you didn't relieve yourself all over yourself, lol


Gotta admit though, that is a beautiful building. We have a state hospital near my home town. Also outside of another little town. That place always LOOKED creepy beyond words. I never knew my Grandmother, but my Mom said she told stories of them still having folks down in the basement that were so disturbed they had to slip their meals under the door like you see in the horror movies. I've often wondered what kind of tales the staff there would tell if asked.


Good one CC!


@DunmerMaiden, man that's very spooky. To have actually seen the spirits like that! I believe people can and do have gifts like yours. We used to hate it when my Mom would say she'd had one of her "dreams." That usually meant someone in the family was going to die. It quit happening when I was in college I think, but it was so scary when it was going on.


When people start talking about their experiences, it is amazing how many folks have had things happen that just defy explanation. Even looking at my paltry little experiences makes me feel like -wow! I can't believe that happened.


I agree with you, if someone warns you, even if you don' t believe, it behooves you to at least be a bit more cautious!

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Oh dear. I just did some more research, and apparently before that incident at the asylum, where the men went crazy and committed suicide, one man had cut open his arms with garden clippers and wrote some messed up words on the walls in his blood. He then proceeded to slash both his carotid arteries and bled out on the floor before anyone could stop him.

When the cleaners were doing their job, there was reports from them, and passers by, of the word 'side' being whispered many times over, and a general unwelcoming feeling around the room. Once it was clean, they just rolled the beds and patients back in.


I wonder, if people knew of the events that happened back in the day, would they use those toilets ever again? Man, I would completely flip if I was in there and the power went out. Even more so if I was using the toilet at the end of the row.


There was a ghost tour of the place late one night, and apparently many people couldnt stomach it and left when they went in the maintenance tunnels that run underneath the facility and join the buildings together, which were unused since it was the asylum, and the tour guide almost had a heart attack at some stage.

Needless to say, although the food was great and the bartender even better, I have steered clear ever since.


Also, there is a light that you can see in Building 16, through the basement window. Wanna know the wierd part? The building has been locked off since the 90's, it was partially burnt in a small fire 5 years ago (cause unknown), and the power was disconnected to it.

Where is the light coming from then?

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Wow! That is outrageous! It's a wonder you didn't relieve yourself all over yourself, lol


Gotta admit though, that is a beautiful building. We have a state hospital near my home town. Also outside of another little town. That place always LOOKED creepy beyond words. I never knew my Grandmother, but my Mom said she told stories of them still having folks down in the basement that were so disturbed they had to slip their meals under the door like you see in the horror movies. I've often wondered what kind of tales the staff there would tell if asked.


Good one CC!


@DunmerMaiden, man that's very spooky. To have actually seen the spirits like that! I believe people can and do have gifts like yours. We used to hate it when my Mom would say she'd had one of her "dreams." That usually meant someone in the family was going to die. It quit happening when I was in college I think, but it was so scary when it was going on.


When people start talking about their experiences, it is amazing how many folks have had things happen that just defy explanation. Even looking at my paltry little experiences makes me feel like -wow! I can't believe that happened.


I agree with you, if someone warns you, even if you don' t believe, it behooves you to at least be a bit more cautious!


You think thats creepy? I have had entity's that looked like a mass of writhing snakes around my bed that made me scream with terror. I have seen angels. I have seen demons and spoken with them. All the talking I have experienced has always happened though telepathetic means.


A spirit I served for a time enchanted my jewelery and afterwards whenever I picked up in particular the necklace, which was clean and pretty, when I picked it up it felt slimely and like it had been siting in a dungeon for eons. Even my family felt it and all had the same experience.


My weirdest experience would have to be the time I was working at my job over 12 years ago and a spirit had sex with me. I mean I was sitting there and could feel it all of it. I couldn't stop it, but it certainly was uncomfortable to say the least. I had a group of workmates with me and didn't dare say anything for fear of rumors about me being weird and strange going around the factory.


Other weird stuff include my normal bedroom looking like a dungeon, my normal looking bed feeling like a cold hard slab of rock and well having times where I knew something bad would happen to me, so I would tell mum and she would give me the day off school.


Yeah I'm creepy and evil, I can't help it. I cannot connect with god. All my effects to have failed, I just feel miserable in christianity. I guess I just aren't one that belongs to god.

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Yeah I'm creepy and evil, I can't help it. I cannot connect with god. All my effects to have failed, I just feel miserable in christianity. I guess I just aren't one that belongs to god.

Don't be so hard on yourself. The multiverse is more inclusive than the beliefs of small group of its inhabitants.


The officers of that particular group tend to exclude a lot of fun and interesting things in the perceptual field, too, I might add. So, keep going your own way. Protect yourself as you can (*get technique that works for you*) and then keep doing your own thing. Don't go to miserable places. Who wants to do that?! Just make sure you take yourself somewhere where that you yourself would describe as a "good" place.


to everyone else, great stories, people! Tales that Widen your Eyes, if you know what I mean. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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