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Mod Suggestion: Skill Point Overflow Mod


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Who here has leveled a skill up to 100 then after that found the bobble head and skill books and thought what a waste that can you not use those extra points the bobble head and books give you on something else?


My suggestion is a script mod that adds a new varible to fallout 3/new vages as they both share the same problem this vaerible is called skill point overflow. What this script does is keep an eye out for when you add points to a skill, if the skill is maxed out at 100 it instead adds those points to the skill point overflow varible. This vearible is used when you level up, When you get to the skill section your current availible skill points are incressed by how much was applied to the skill point overflow varible. Meaning no more wasted points.


Is this doible? And is anyone interested in trying it out?





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I would be interested in trying to make this - but more like how it is in Fallout 1 and 2 rather than how you describe it. I think that a max of 300, where after 100 the skill point usage per percentage is increased, would be great - including a better tag system where your tag skills level up twice as fast. It made sense that Tag skills were s#*! in the original games since you could level them up quickly, but in FO3 and NV you are awful at EVERYTHING and slightly less awful at your tag skills. It is dumb, and I might try to make this idea. I will let you know if I do make this idea. Thanks for your request.

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