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Talon Company Artillery Base


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OK, so beating up on Talon Company is one of my favourite things.


But, note that they exhibit lots of interest in BIG weapon systems (as evidenced by their presence in Fort Bannister and the Satcom Base). Add to that at least two instances (the Capitol Building and Takoma Industrial Park) where Talon Company has artillery support on tap from SOMEWHERE.


So, got to wondering where this artillery support might be coming from. Opinions certainly will vary, but I'm imagining a fixed installation someplace, housing what amounts to a long-range artillery piece. Perhaps part of an experimental ABM system or something similar, but The War happened before it could be made properly operational. Decades later, Talon Company found it and converted whatever was left to their own purposes - basically long-range artillery support for Talon operations within downtown DC (possibly further?).


So, perhaps a well-armed and armoured Talon Company hangout someplace. Perhaps hidden within the downtown area, since that is where their artillery has reached (so far).


The centrepiece is The Big Gun itself. Thinking something like the Anchorage weapons, that maybe uses MiniNukes for ammo or something exotic that you have to mini-Quest to find more of. Firing the gun just by Line Of Sight may afford some amusement, assuming it overlooks areas where lots of baddies spawn. Pretty much all that the LW should be able to do with this, all things considered. Though being able to rain MiniNukes from afar on any target you choose would certainly appeal to some Players, I realize.


If a modder is feeling particularly clever, or just has a nasty sense of humour, there is always the possibility that the Lone Wanderer could find, steal, build or borrow a remote control with which s/he can occasionally "call in" artillery strikes. Probably with certain risks - blowing yourself up under such circumstances should be a definite possibility, IMO. ;)

Edited by 7thsealord
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thinking on this a little more.


Suppose this base's location is "unlocked" after you visit both the Capitol and Takoma locations. A holotape at each locale provides limited data on where the Talon artillery base actually is. Get both and all becomes clear. Still think "somewhere" in the Downtown region is the way to go, but if the gun has sufficient range and some semblance of accuracy, it could be elsewhere.

Edited by 7thsealord
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