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4GB patch question


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Lets say I have only <4GB of ram and I use the 4gb patcher for new vegas and load up all my mods, what happens when it goes over 3gb of usage? Will the game crash or can you still play just fine? I never really understood it correctly for those on exactly 4GB of ram that use the 4GB patcher.

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Let me ask this, are you running this on a desktop or a laptop? You might be able to find more memory for your computer, if you look around, enough. I recommend both tiger direct and newegg for parts.

As to the 4gb launcher, you really don't need it. You will have to make decisions on mods, etc. you want to use. I would stay away from anything that is large. I would go with mainly textures and meshes, but not overboard. If you were over 4gb of memory, then I would say yeah you need it, and to run it. But as I said, if you have less than that, then you might not need, and just keep your load light for the game. No NMC's texture pack, unless you go small. And I would stay away from anything that would make your load order more than say 50 mods, maybe 100. But that might be pushing your system.

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If you only have 4G or ram, then some of that system ram MUST be used by Windows and that CANNOT be changed. It is about .5 to .75G that is taken before the game even loads.

Then, if you have any background processes running, they will also take some system ram. Leaving you with about (NOT exactly) 3G that can be used by the game.

If your game overuns into the ram being used by something else, the game, and possibly your computer, will just instantly crash.

In order to prevent this, Windows has a built in 2G limit for any one running program - the game is a program and is normally limited to that 2G.

The 4G patch does NOT mean the game will automatically use 4G of ram, just that it can use up to 4G ( if that Ram is not already being used by something else)

Using the 4G patch on a system with only 4G will work and allow the game to use more than 2G, but probably not more than 3G.

But, FONV has a well known memory leak that will gradually eat up RAM in unused blocks that it doesn't recover properly (Think holes in the ram that are ignored by the game)

You will likely never reach whatever maximum amount of ram that is theoretically available before the game just crashes (CTD) with an over ram error.


Final Answer - Go ahead and use the 4G patch. It will help. But you will still get CTDs when you run out of memory. :thumbsup:

When things start to slow down make a save NOW. Then exit the game and restart. If you wait, it will CTD unexpectedly and you will lose back to your last save.


On a 64 bit system with more than 4G of ram, Windows and any background processes are loaded in their own ram leaving a full 4G available for the game. But you will still run out of memory eventually.

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If you only have 4G or ram, then some of that system ram MUST be used by Windows and that CANNOT be changed. It is about .5 to .75G that is taken before the game even loads.

Then, if you have any background processes running, they will also take some system ram. Leaving you with about (NOT exactly) 3G that can be used by the game.

If your game overuns into the ram being used by something else, the game, and possibly your computer, will just instantly crash.

In order to prevent this, Windows has a built in 2G limit for any one running program - the game is a program and is normally limited to that 2G.

The 4G patch does NOT mean the game will automatically use 4G of ram, just that it can use up to 4G ( if that Ram is not already being used by something else)

Using the 4G patch on a system with only 4G will work and allow the game to use more than 2G, but probably not more than 3G.

But, FONV has a well known memory leak that will gradually eat up RAM in unused blocks that it doesn't recover properly (Think holes in the ram that are ignored by the game)

You will likely never reach whatever maximum amount of ram that is theoretically available before the game just crashes (CTD) with an over ram error.


Final Answer - Go ahead and use the 4G patch. It will help. But you will still get CTDs when you run out of memory. :thumbsup:

When things start to slow down make a save NOW. Then exit the game and restart. If you wait, it will CTD unexpectedly and you will lose back to your last save.


On a 64 bit system with more than 4G of ram, Windows and any background processes are loaded in their own ram leaving a full 4G available for the game. But you will still run out of memory eventually.


Thanks for the info, When you say like if "things start to get slow", what exactly do you mean? fps drops? studdering everywhere? Would getting more ram help or would it still crash from the memory leak you mentioned?

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From a hardware standpoint, more ram will help, a little. However, currently, when the game is running like around 15, or less, FPS, and starts to stutter. Stop where you, unless it's combat, then save, and exit the game. If in combat, then wait until it's done, then see if your game picks up a little. Don't move, or loot bodies, save right there. Don't exit yet, just wait a moment or three. If it picks up, then do another save, and go for a bit. If it doesn't, then get out of the game, and then go back in. A couple things may help, on top of what you have New Vegas Stutter Remover and New Vegas Anti-Crash might help as well. However, they won't fix everything, just help you along a little further. And bben is right, running the 4gb launcher may help out too.


A good portion of a laptop's memory is also used by the video card. This is all controlled by your settings in the bios. So, you may factor that into things, as well. I don't know what the maximum is on laptops, but I would hazard that you could, potentially, have up to 1 GB of memory dedicated to that, alone.

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I have 768MB of deicaded VRAM, Yeah I am running an IGPU HD 8610g, I had to tweak settings to get it smooth on high I am thinking about turning down the textures to medium. No AA or vsync, shadows or water effects are on. I get 40+fps and dips to 30, never gets worse than that unless it's the underground hideout or new vegas bank (too much fps drops in both)

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Usually the first thing I see start to slow down is when you open your inventory or a container. There will be a noticeable delay. That is when you need to save as soon as possible.

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