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CTD On Load


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Hello everyone;

I'm getting a crash to desktop on load. I've tried all the troubleshooting steps I know including the papyrus scalpel tool to 'zero scripts'. Still crashes!


My trouble started when I accidently deleted my Skyrim & 'Mods' folder on Mod Organizer, and since then I've also upgraded to Windows 10. I still have all the load profiles & mods downloaded, but haven't gotten it to work! I really don't want to give up this game if I can help it. A new game starts just fine.


I'm using Mod Organizer and everything is the latest update.


Not sure what all y'all will need so I'll start with the basics:

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Are you crashing when loading any cell in the game or just on exteriors? I'm crashing when loading exterior cells but interiors works fine... I've tried to start a game without a mod's plugins and with a new .ini files but I'm still crashing so I think that my problem is somewhere in the ENBoost...

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If you haven't already, check with some old fashioned trial and error with the mod loads. Restart your game with only the essential vanilla esm files. Then again with higher priority mods like the unofficial patches (in their proper place). Keep adding one, or several, after another until you come across a mod that causes crashing.

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I managed to fix this by doing a complete clean reinstall of Skyrim and ALL of my mods using my original notes on load order, etc.


My final anylisis is that, by trying to implement a bashed patch, I caused things to conflict which caused the game to fail. It did take quite a bit of trial and error, since there are SO MANY dependencies with how complicated my mod order and save game are. For a while there I was able to load a cell in one specific save, but saving after that or trying to go into the overworld cell would cause a silent CTD with no hints in the Papyrus log.


In other news, I now a have a perfectly updated, cleaned, and properly modded Skyrim install & a laboriously cleaned save fine. And a LOT of notes.


You'll notice some LL mods in my list -- these need to be setup in VERY specific ways and installed IN SPECIFIC ORDERS even with Mod Organizer. I have no idea why it makes a difference with MO, but that was the final thing that made all of my saves playable and stable again.


The other thing I found was that while I'd installed ENBoost for performance gains, I'd failed to actually, you know, install most of the ENB shader series etc. Oops. This caused me a weird bug where I could load a game and about 2 minutes later it would silently CTD.

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I've found a solution for my problem too, I was crashing because of the enblocal.ini that came with the ENB I was using, it had nothing to do with the ENBoost, the enblocal.ini that came with ENBoost worked just fine. The problem was that installing ENB would replace the enblocal.ini file in Skyrim install directory I got with the ENBoost and then I would get CTDs when trying to load an exterior cell.

So, when I found out that the enblocal.ini that came with the ENB I was using was a problem I started to compare the values of that .ini file and the other from ENBoost .ini file. I've found out that one line in particular, under the [FIX] category was causing a problem for me, it was FixParallaxTerrain line.


When it's set to true -


"FixParallaxTerrain=true" (without quotes ofc) I'm getting CTDs when loading exterior cells, but when I set it to false -


"FixParallaxTerrain=false" (also without quotes ofc) everything works like a charm (at least for now...).

Here, maybe this will help someone, I'm glad that you got your Skyrim in a running state too.

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