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Is there a way to remove clothing's dependancy on certain bones?


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Specifically, I am trying to use a shirt that requires BBB on a non-standard skeleton. (Human torso, spider daedra lower half). I need to know if there is a way to purge the BBB breast bone data from the clothing, (When I try to delete the bones in nifskope, the mesh looks like it is melting) or if somehow fusing the BBB skeleton with the spider daedra skeleton would solve my problem. If the latter is the only solution, how would I go about doing that? I have Blender, but need specifics on import/export settings.
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If you have a BBB shirt, then usually there is a non-BBBed version as well. Why don't you use that :wink:


But if that's not the case I can think of 3 options you have:


- Remove breast bones from BBB shirt'S .nif: Open .nif with NifSkope. Find the breast bones (max. 6, Bip01 L/R Op1/2/3) NiNode, remove them, and save. I've never tried, but this should work.


- Remove breast bone weight painting. That can be done with Blender. Check coronerra's "Better Bouncing Boobs Weighting Tutorial". It describes the the weighting, so you will certainly understand how un-weighting works.


- Add breast bones: Nice idea to have a spider daedra with bouncing boobs. :) But probably the most cumbersome way. But you can copy/paste the 2 "Bip01 L/R Op1" NiNode branches from coronerra's skeleton to your daedra. The basics of NifSkope copy/paste you can learn from my Wiki article (see the signature). Animation records or skeleton bones, the principles are the same. You only have to figure out, to what bone you want it attached, and what the position is (translation/rotation).


Hope that helps.

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Both Unweighting, and deleting the bones in Blender have both resulted in a CTD anytime I entered the area with the new skeleton. :c

I tried to copy-paste branches in nifskope, but one decides it wants to be all wonky, and point upward instead. I don't know why it does that, nor how to change it. I think this is hopeless. u_u


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I was talking about removing bones with NifSkope, but that will also cause CTDs. I tried it in 2 ways (with and without compacting the bones' root records after removing), both didn't work.


Also tried removing bones from an outfit mesh in Blender, and get a CTD as well. What amazes me. But I have not done a lot of outfits, so I don't know if this is usual or not. Maybe someone experienced in making meshes can help here.


Why you get a CTD when Unweighting is beyond of me. When you follow coronerra's weight painting tutorial it includes unweighting (of the original's weighting), and I did it myself, and I also never heard of any CTDs afterwards.


At least you succeeded somewhat with the skeleton. I can't really see which of the bones looks so awkward. But now it's a matter of changing the bones translation and rotation, and maybe scale, because thats what determines the skeleton layout. You find it in NifSkope when you analyze the bone structure. When you change rotation, press their values. So you can toggle between Euler and Axis (Quaternions), and it's probably easier to understand Euler. Although I understand neither one :smile:

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