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Fallout: Masquerade


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So, you completed your business with the Family in the "Blood Ties" quest in Fallout 3, but don't you wish that there were actual vampires in the game? Don't you wish you could be Embraced into one of the thirteen vampire clans and experience how they cope with life in the Wasteland? Don't you wish you could hide from the sunlight feed on the children of man to satiate the Beast living inside of you as a victim of Caine's curse? I sure do. In Fallout: Masquerade, the player would be able to live the unlife of the Kindred of the Capital Wasteland as one of thirteen types of vampires with different features and disciplines associated with each clan.




Ventrue: The politicians and nobles of the Kindred. The Ventrue gain a significant boost in Speech and Barter--thanks to their Presence discipline--as well as the ability to Dominate people during conversations and bend them to their will. However, excessive use of Dominate will not only decrease your vitae, but also slightly decrease your Speech skill as you slowly become accustomed to using Dominate to get what you want. The Ventrue also gain a Defense boost, thanks to their Fortitude discipline.


Tremere: The sorcerers and magic-users. Tremere command the discipline of Thaumaturgy, which encompasses blood magic and other sorcerous arts.


Toreador: The lovers of art and beauty. Toreador gain a boost in Speech, but can also use the Celerity discipline to gain extra speed and finesse at the cost of expending vitae.


Nosferatu: The deformed and hideous. Because of their monstrous appearance, the Nosferatu rely on Stealth and very rarely--if ever--show themselves. They are also masters of gathering information, meaning you'll also gain a boost in the areas of Lockpick and Science. In the Wasteland, Nosferatu are often mistaken for Ghouls, so you'll have no trouble fitting in with them. Despite that, you're still ugly as sin, so your Speech and Barter skills will take a huge hit. Some people might even run from you or attack you if they see you. Nosferatu also come with enhanced strength, and the ability to control the Beast inside other creatures--including humans--by use of the Animalism discipline. Nosferatu can also turn completely invisible by using Obfuscate.


Malkavian: The crazed, the insane, and my personal favorite. Malkavians have an incurable insanity that differs with each individual Kindred. This insanity does, however, grant them insight into things that would normally be hidden from normal people. Listen closely to those little voices in your head--they could be telling you a secret about someone you're talking to, or where to find a more powerful weapon. Malkavians can also project their insanity onto others by use of the Dementia discipline.


Gangrel: The wild and untamed. Gangrel are closer to the vampire's animalistic nature. They prefer the comfort of the wilderness over the urban life. Gangrel are fierce warriors, and gain a significant boost in Unarmed and Melee combat. The Gangrel can bring out the Beast within by use of the Protean discipline. Gangrel can also shapeshift into a wolf or bat.


Brujah: The rebellious. The Brujah are individualistic and outspoken, and social change is close to their undead hearts. They possess skill in Melee and Small, Big, or Energy Weapons. They also possess enhanced strength.


Tzimisce: The fleshcrafters. Dracula's clan. The Tzimisce are artists of the flesh, twisting and molding it into their masterpieces. Some Tzimisce have slight deformities, but not as detracting from their appearance as the Nosferatu. Their strange way of looking into people's souls is what saves the Speech skill from taking a dive. Tzimisce believe they are the rightful rulers of this planet, and that humans and Kindred alike should be their servants and slaves. The most famous member of this clan--and possibly the most famous Kindred in existence--is none other than Count Vlad Tepes Dracula, the thin-blood who gained untold power through the diablerization of his sire, Lambach Ruthven, and his grandsire, Tabak, and became the sworn enemy of the heroic Belmont family of vampire hunters. Dracula is rumored to have had a half-vampire son, though nothing is known about him except that he goes by the nickname "Alucard".


Lasombra: The shadows. The magisters. The Lasombra are the true leaders of the Sabbat faction, and believe in survival of the fittest. They possess skill in Stealth and Lockpick, and command the Obtenebration discipline, which lets them control shadow magic.


Giovanni: The necromancers. The Giovanni embrace solely within the Giovanni family, and are descended from the old Cappadocian clan. You will not be able to be Embraced by a Giovanni, but you may encounter them. Giovanni are gifted with the powers of Necromancy, which gives them command over the dead.


Assamite: The assassins. The Assamite gain skill in Stealth, as well as Lockpick, Science, and Small Guns. They also possess Quietus, a discipline that weakens their target.


Followers of Set: Not much is known about this clan. They possess Serpentis, a discipline that gives them a venomous touch and can even allow them to transform into snakes.


Ravnos: The tempters and avengers. The Ravnos are the rarest clan, and possess Chimeristry, a discipline based around sense-based illusions.


Choose your side in the never-ending Jihad as a member of one of three factions, or share no allegiance at all.




Camarilla: The Camarilla are the peacekeepers of the Kindred. They make sure that all Kindred uphold their laws and follow the Masquerade, and they won't hesitate to make an example of those who don't.


Anarchs: The Anarchs are opposed to the strict laws of the Camarilla, but still believe in following the Masquerade.


Sabbat: The Sabbat are the enemies of the Camarilla and the Anarchs. They believe that humans exist only as slaves, and don't care about violating the Masquerade.




In this mod, you would be able to:


Help Jeanette Voerman, a Malkavian, build a new Asylum nightclub in the Capital Wasteland.

Violate the Masquerade and face off against skilled vampire hunters that come after you.

Aid Tremere mage Tanya Stoviaka in discovering the secrets of the Daywalker Bracelet.

Fight the remnants of the Kuei-Jin from the far east.

Team up with the half-blood prince Alucard to prevent his father's return.

Assist Bertram Tung, a Nosferatu, in getting some valuable information on the Enclave.

Fight against the forces of the Sabbat. Or the Camarilla. Your choice.

Face off against the ruthless Society of Leopold, a group solely dedicated to the eradication of vampires.

Help Anarch leader Nines Rodriguez get the Camarilla presence out of D. C.

Help Tremere regent Maximillion Strauss keep the rebellious Anarchs at bay.

Turn people into your devoted servants through blood bonds by making them drink your blood.

Embrace and sire your own childe.

Discover an insidious plot to create artificial vampires.

And much more...

Edited by dlausactor6373
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