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did my mod get banned?


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my mod sort of dissappeared, and i didnt get any notifications or anything about why. rules suggest i cant be difficult so, before i repost it, I was wondering if it is probable that it got deleted by a moderator, because i would like to repost my mod if not...

Edited by mrbic
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It would help if you told us what your mod was called and what game it was for. The approximate date it vanished, and why you think we would remove it.


A search by uploader name returned this one: TRE- The Realism Effort - in New Vegas uploads


Here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41190


Notice the Author name doesn't match the uploader name.

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It would help if you told us what your mod was called and what game it was for. The approximate date it vanished, and why you think we would remove it.


A search by uploader name returned this one: TRE- The Realism Effort - in New Vegas uploads


Here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41190


Notice the Author name doesn't match the uploader name.


Thanks for replying. Yep, thats my mod- well it seems its back up, maybe I was confused or something? changed the author name to mine, sorry for that mix up (whether the mod was banned or not). now that I think about it I was switching back and forth between TESNexus and NewVegasNexus, so I was probably searching for my New Vegas mod on the Elder Scrolls nexus (epic fail). If I had a penny for every epic fail of mine, id get a penny every week or so. anyway whatever the matter sorry for the inconvenience.

Edited by mrbic
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