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more legendary Dragon Priest Masks?


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hi folks


so Skyrim has been out for years now, and i'm sure we've all enjoyed it for quite a long time

one thing that i always found odd in the game, is that Dragon Priests were supposed to be these legendary rulers of men, and were supposed to have been given quite a lot of power by the Dragons in the old times

and yet, for such strong and rare opponents, with their own unique set of items, there is barely any mask that is better than what an enchanter can make in this game, which is strange, as these items were supposed to only be surpassed by Daedric items

so, is there any mod that makes these masks better? i'm not talking about godlike items, just something to make the hunt for these masks more worthwhile (like having some useful enchantment on Miraak's mask, rather than the generic boring +magicka you can find on normal items, which is really not fitting the first bloody Dragonborn of legends.......)

also, i would like to add that i am not looking for texture mods, as i'm using the same texture mod that i've always used, and am not thinking of switching any time soon

and finally, compatibility with Konahrik's Accoutrements is preferable, as this mod is pretty much a must have


if no such mod exists, and no one would like to make one, i would love to get some suggestions for which enchantments would be appropriate, to turn these old masks into artifacts of power, while not breaking the game apart


thanks for the time reading this block, hope you can provide some interesting input



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