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new hybrid race


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I am not familiar on how to create a new race in slyrim, so I come here and humbly ask for some help. I am looking for a new hybrid male char, a cross of Khajiit, Redguard and Nord. He would have the endurance and strength of a Nord, the combat skill of a Redguard along with some of the perks of the Redguard and the night eye and sense of smell of the Khajiit. for appearance he would be fair skinned, the ears(only a bit less pronounced) the fangs and nose of the Khajiit. He isnt furry except the normal hair of a male. He would be the product of a Nord being trained in combat skills from an early age, then sent out in world he met a Khajiit female and was taken into there group as he grew up he fell in love with a Khajiit and the new char would be the result of there mating, his father taught him Redguard combat skills and his mother taught him sneak, lock pick and unarmed combat skills. Left there care as a young man to make his own ways. Enough of the back story just let me know if anyone can do this

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