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Independent camera and character movement


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I once had a mod that allowed you to set different buttons for the camera movement so that you were still able to move your character while using the tfc console-command. Unfortunately I don't have this mod anymore and I have no idea what it was called. Although this mod was good for making machinima videos since it simplified the whole character-camera-issue it wasn't perfect. Sometimes the character wasn't reacting correctly and the movements were wrong.

Long story short, would anybody here develop a mod that let's you move the camera and your character independently from each other? I'm planning to make a series of short videos and a mod like that would make everything a thousand times easier.


Hope to hear anything positive relating this topic. :)



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Highohall - if you take a look at the Claudia's Little secret mod, the author has managed to do scripted animation sequences with an invisible viewer - that method may work as an alternative for you for making movies. That would let to play and re-play stuff until you had it exactly as you wanted, camera angles and all.
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