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Pickpocket in combat - chance to steal when hit.


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Ever met one of those thieves in the wilderness who just simply walk up to you and "request" you give them your stuff? Hah! Never gonna happen. So what happens next, the go apesh*t at you XD.


I always thought thieves were never about outmatching your opponents to steal your stuff or they would be bandits instead.


To fix this, I thought of a Pickpocket perk:


If you get hit by the thief or someone with the perk, there is a really low chance one of your items get stolen, the chance varies with the item value as well (higher value means more likely and lower value is less; there is also maximum percent so that items in mods that add over 9000 in value won't always get taken, like a maximum 15% chance to steal.) Once the thief takes an item, a script may tell it to inject a fear effect so it may run away with its steal, prompting you to chase him.


For the player, the perk may be around level 90 and works just like how the thief npc does it. Equipped weapons need their respective Pickpocket perk to be taken so that the thief won't just leave you unarmed.

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