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Hotkey Set up


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Just getting going on a fairly heavily modded Skyrim playthrough. Running through the MCM I discovered I had upwards of 20 new hotkeys from mods.RND, Frostfall etc.


I'm getting really frustrated by my attempts to 'map' a decent layout for my hotkeys, so many are already used for basic functions like equip and bringing up the map. So my question is, how do you set up your hotkeys? do you use a system to help you remember what does what, or do you just learn as you go? Is there an 'optimal' set up?


Looking forward to reading what you do (or, just as importantly, don't do).

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I use multimapping one key to more funktions. Wehn I drink from a river I also sence direcktion. If there is no river I only sence direcktion and such Kombination. Some mods have to be Keymapped first otherwise they will not accept multi mapping.


Maybe there is harme for stability but there is nothing with out risk in the world.


MfG Selina

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