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Render window troubles


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Can any experianced modders explain to me this: How come in certain interior cells items (e.g. Walls, doors, floors, and well anything really) just don't show up in the render window? They are in the game, and in the object window, what gives?


Thanks in advance.

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Those are called Multibounds. Items are linked together so that if you can see one of them you can see all of them.

I hear you can change the Gecks .ini to allow the rendering of multibounds. I just ignore it an move on. There's not that many.

I reckon search the word multibounds in the .ini an change the 0 to 1 or 0 to 1 er sometin.

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Thanks, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by search for .ini.

If you could explain please?


Also just to make sure we are on the same page I'm posting an image of what I'm refering to.


I really want to modify the Sierra Madre, but I can't do it if I can't see it.


Thanks. :D

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The GECK has .ini config files just like the game does. It's how we tweek the game to make it do certian things. My documents/my games/ FNV you have the games .ini files an the GECK ones too. We open them with notepad then 0= false an 1= True most of the time or the other way 0= off 1=on In the .ini you find command settings on the game engine itself. bEnableBorderRegion=1 if you change it to a 0 there are no borders in the worldspace There is a setting in the Geck .ini that deals with Multibounds I hear you change it to a 0, UseMultibounds or something like that.


Interior cells get set up in portal an marker optimization, but we often see a totally different method which is designed for optimzation of worldspaces or outdoor areas primary to balance LOD along with massive objects. No idea why, but I guess that it's a more easy method of optimization than portals an room markers. This is like for your massive sized cells or cities an such. I heard both are quirky to set up, an as a way to "Avoid work" I have not ever used them or learned about them even once. I've avoided the issue on purpose. If I see an area that is set up like this I just leave it alone an move on.


You are wanting to build in the most problematic herky jerky thrown together then converted from Xbox to PC that is also known as "Dead Money" They should have named it "Dead Monday" lol Sure it's a great idea, but you have to view the big picture. Time investment minus Time until reward = fun factor. Trying to figure out Multibounds up to this point you have had zero fun an zero reward. The problematic nature of this area will only subtract more from the "fun factor" All I'm saying is consider that you could just make yer way out into the desert an build some random thing that popped into your head, and it be 6 times more fun because there's little risk factor.

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I do thank you for your assistance. I understand what your saying about dead money though, unfortunantly. It had a decent enough story, but it had more bugs than a matress at a landfill! They have been doing this a lot lately. Even FNV seemed a little thrown together to me. I guess they think I won't notice that almost half the NV map has impassable barriers! At least in FO3 you could walk almost everwhere in the vanilla game. I'm really hoping that they won't to this same crap with Skyrim.


Thanks for the assist. :D


True to Caesar!

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IWR mod Gets rid of mostly all of the walls. They started building on the wasteland too. There are some nice areas out there past the borders. bUseMultibounds=1 is the part in the .ini that you could try, Set this to 0 an see if the cell is rendered. I've been meaning to try it, but I just got used to ignoring those areas. I didn't mean to scare you away from working on it. It's really only a problem building there when you upload the mod an other people are using it. It's easy to break an probably going to cause issues. If you really wanted to build there then I guess it would be worth the extra trouble. You could do both, build on Dead Money until it's driven you insane, an then bounce out into the desert an build a little fun spot that doesn't really matter.
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Thank you for your wisdom.


I will try these things.


Till my next problem.



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I hate to be a noob. But where the hell is the ini.? Could you give me a file location?
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Thank you so much!! I should've been able to figure this out on my own.

I bid you kudos my friend.

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