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How high do you level your characters?



14 members have voted

  1. 1. What level do you get to?

    • 1-5
    • 6-10
    • 11-15
    • 16-20
    • 21-25
    • 26-30
    • 31 and Beyond

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Well, I refuse to start as a low-level on Oblivion after so many years, so I usually level up by raising my major skills on Everscamps ;D


In Fallout 3, I get as high as I can (I got GOTY, on all systems [don't ask lol, its a long story...], so my level cap is 30 because of Broken Steel). Usually I get to 26-28 before I start a new character. On New Vegas (I only have that on my PS3) I get to 24 or 25, then start over, because its fun to get to the Strip by killing my way through Deathclaws at level 1 :D

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I got up to level 240 but again as I said before that was stupid on my part. I did it on my 360 version so I couldn't use console commands to fix anything. For example, when playing the Shivering Isles, when you do that quest as the "Inquisitor" and you go around torturing people, when you finally find the traitor and she's in the cage or whatever; if and when she gets the lightning blast shot at her as a killing blow, she umm.....doesn't die. So the game won't go on and everyone will just be standing there, and you have to have to kill her yourself via a spell. But then you get a bounty and everyone attacks you for killing the 'condemned' person.


Thats just one of the many reasons why I will never level up that high again, if it was the pc version I suppose I could have went into the console and killed off the npc but like I said, with the 360 version I don't have that luxury.

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