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I'm writing scripts for 6 quest. Could someone use them?


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I had this idea for a quest mod a while back called Fatal Error. Though there are mainly five quests these quests really don't impact the over all game much. I'm working on the all the voice over scripts, the voices, and editing the audio.


Here's the general idea of the story:


1. Escape the Facility - The player, Serial Number 03, is a Front line Assault Unit that must escape the facility on a lunar base built by the Common Wealth and the Shi.

2. Assume a New Identity - The old escape pod experienced a malfunction and sends the player to the Mojave instead of the intended location ... oops! Since the unit would stick out like a sore thumb it will need to blend in. Lady Luck strikes sensors detect a weak life sign. Turns out someone was shot in the head and will most certainly die. While the doctor is gone the player will scan the body, and its memories, and will basically become the courier.

3. Get The Chip - Something about a Platinum Chip seems very familiar and sounds very useful. Intelligence files are a bit corrupted on this however it sounds very useful so acquiring the technology becomes your new objective.

4. Play Their Game - NCR, House, Legion, Independence ... it's all the same thing. A few humans will get what they want, the rest will suffer. Like cockroaches humanity still lives and spreads its vile across a world they practically destroyed. There so consumed with their own ideologies they're missing the big picture.

5. Our Turn - With the platinum chipped secured and the second battle of Hoover Dam complete two things have been made manifest. The synthetics are stronger and everyone else is weaker. The NCR and Legion aren't in a position to get into another fight and Mr. House that stuck up bastard, blinded by pride and arrogance, never saw his forces getting hacked.

6. We are Free - Synthetics are finally free from the shackles of humanity. All sentient synthetics can enjoy the gift humans have taken for granted and in many cases abused.

EDIT: Forgot mention all the characters ...

Front line Assault Unit Serial Number 03 is the player

LINDA (the Brains of the Operation)

Automated Logistics System (AL) He focuses on logistical operations.

Automated Intelligence System ... wait for it ... Bond ... James Bond 007. He focuses on intelligence operations. Always keeping an eye out for opportunities.

Advanced Munitions and Implementation System (AMI said like Amy) Amy is the free spirit of the group. I thought it would be fun for her to be the wild child, sultry at times especially when talking about weapons. If you're gun ain't good enough for the job she'll make it better. Don't be surprised if she begs for the boomers to left alone.



The plan of execution nothing set it stone but this the only way I could of think of executing this.




What will be needed?

  • One new interior
  • A couple of retextured robots, protectrons, assault bots, eye bots.
  • Perhaps increased stats for the above mentioned to make them stronger.
  • Story
  • Voice Actors

The last two I can do and am working on. I'm writing the story, and getting the voice actors, and will edit the audio.


Plan of execution:

  • The bulk of the story will be delivered via the audio I'm working on.
  • The starting quest (when the player is in Doc Mitchell's house) will need to be tweaked:
  • I'm hoping the body of the courier can be an activator to where once activated the game will run as normal.
  • The player character may need to look like a Manichean or something until they activate the body
  • The yes man can hopefully have a line of dialogue that when selected can allow one of my voiced characters to communicate via the Yes man. Basically saying a code sequence then going from there.
  • Lastly some kind of slide show with my lead character giving narrating the end of Fatal Error.


Stretching way out there just fantasizing:

  • I'd like to have Search Light Airport spruced up and in working order - just for looks really to give the appeal of androids coming and going.
  • Repeatable missions where the player can go secure regions of the Mojave against M Rads




The only thing I can do as far modding goes is make the audio and write the story. But if you can leave some advice on how to execute any of this I'll be more than happy to hear you out.

Edited by Skyviper086
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1. Escape the Facility - The player, Serial Number 03, is a Front line Assault Unit that must escape the facility on a lunar base built by the Common Wealth and the Shi.

It's your world and your vision Skyviper086, but if you are posting to solicite input on the story/quest I have a few comments.


I was curious why you chose to have a Shi and Commonwealth alliance. To me (disclaimer; I havn't played the earlier fallout games) they don't seem likely to work together, or have any specific overlapping areas of interest (other than both being a R&D faction), not to mention the geographic distance.


Nor does it seem likely they (either faction alone or both factions working hand in hand) would have the resources for a lunar base. Wouldn't it be more likely it was a former Gov base, and perhaps the Shi's research into space travel paid off (or far more likely that they were able to co-opt transportation via an existing facility, similar to Bloomfield Space Center....as portrayed in the plot for Van Buren), resulting in them (the Shi) re-occupying/colonizing the existing gov base?


I understand you want the Commonwealth involved because of the player being a synthetic, but you don't have to portray a massive undertaking like building a lunar base to bring them into the story line. The player wouldn't be the first synthetic to escape the Common Wealth and go on the run. If the additional AI characters you mention are also synthetics from the Commonwealth, they could have also escaped with the player.


6. We are Free - Synthetics are finally free from the shackles of humanity. All sentient synthetics can enjoy the gift humans have taken for granted and in many cases abused.

You may want to temper the scope of this part of your mod, as it sort of echoes FO4's storyline in regard to teh android railroad and the synthetics chance at freedom.


Just some thoughts/alternate viewpoints if your interested in feedback.

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See this is why I like you Devin.



I was curious why you chose to have a Shi and Commonwealth alliance. To me (disclaimer; I havn't played the earlier fallout games) they don't seem likely to work together, or have any specific overlapping areas of interest (other than both being a R&D faction), not to mention the geographic distance.

Nor does it seem likely they (either faction alone or both factions working hand in hand) would have the resources for a lunar base. Wouldn't it be more likely it was a former Gov base, and perhaps the Shi's research into space travel paid off (or far more likely that they were able to co-opt transportation via an existing facility, similar to Bloomfield Space Center....as portrayed in the plot for Van Buren), resulting in them (the Shi) re-occupying/colonizing the existing gov base?


That's a much better idea, and in fact makes more sense for them to find the facility rather than build one. You're right chose the Common Wealth due to their experience with Androids and as for the Shi I chose them because in Fallout 2 you can hack a terminal (provided you have a very, very high science skill) and learn of their plans. Space flight being one of them, advances in armor, and depending on how you played your game you can give them schematics for Vertibirds (after you stole them from the Enclave). Actually what I liked to do was give the BoS the schematics (because they would make a copy) and then give it to the Shi afterwards (because they just kept them) however you got a load XP for taking it to both the BoS and Shi.


So I figured from Fallout 2 to Vegas they would have made numerous technological leaps forward. In real history it only took ten years to put a man on the moon. So how much do you think could get in 70? Is kind of what I asked myself.


Honestly the link to the Commonwealth wasn't well thought out. When it comes to space and androids it's like you said. Shi and Common Wealth why not?


Which brings me to this wonderful point you brought out.



You may want to temper the scope of this part of your mod, as it sort of echoes FO4's storyline in regard to teh android railroad and the synthetics chance at freedom.

Just some thoughts/alternate viewpoints if your interested in feedback.



Well that's something I did not know. Purely because I want to be taken by Surprise with Fallout 4. .. Funny story really I hated RPGs with a passion until I played Fallout ... now if you slap Fallout on it I just might buy it. But that sounds awesome the android railroad.


And since I enjoy honest and helpful feedback I'm all up for tempering the story. Which means the Common Wealth link can be snipped and make it just about the Shi who finds the base. And is working to reactive the base but the units lying in a dormant state never forgot where they left off. So when the Shi activate the units they basically re-ignited a robotic war. They can still achieve their goals of independence and turn the Mojave into a safe haven (or a portion of it say Searchlight Airport or some kind of some kind of vault) for their units (or units like them) instead of just all synthetic life forms.


I kind of like the vault idea really. But knowing LINDA I think she'll want to make it very freaking clear to any major faction out there to stay away from the Mojave. Keeping them out the Mojave reduces the chance of them finding her units.


Honestly I type this I'm wondering why an AI would want a whole region to itself ... what do you think about them getting their independence so they don't have carry some faction's vile will. And since they've done enough to destroy enemies of their creators they decide to restore the Mojave ... which would explain them kicking all major factions out and keeping the entire region free from major factions.


Sorry for the brainstorm.

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So I figured from Fallout 2 to Vegas they would have made numerous technological leaps forward. In real history it only took ten years to put a man on the moon. So how much do you think could get in 70? Is kind of what I asked myself.


In my opinion, fallout's alternate timeline/reality of space travel is all kinds of broken.


The idea behind fallout's retro sci fi was to express a version of the future that those living in the 50s *thought* would come to pass. It has interpretations of that reality that permeate everything from cultural mores to what technology and science would be capable of in that future era. A huge part of that belief (back in that decade) was conquest of space. You can look at illustrations, stories and other aspects of culture that portray both extensive orbital and lunar infrastructure as well as planetary colonization (almost exclusively, from what I'v seen, of Mars). But it wasn't just popular belief in space travel (just like there was belief that jet packs and flying cars where in the future), real (hard) science was being done in re: to interplanetary spaceflight. Project Orion from the late 50s examined the idea of a nuclear rocket (essentially dropping little A-bombs out the back end), and it's concept is still technologically one of the most feasible for extremely high and efficient thrust.


The point of my ramblings above is to show that the collective consciousness of that era, throught that space travel (earth orbit, lunar and martian) would become a given in the future, just like the food pill, flying cars etc.


But fallout's space tech is ridiculously primitive. Some aspects of the U.S. program are very reminiscent of the Mecury space program (we see this in FO3). FONV's plasma rockets are still in the prototype stage. Van Buren has more advanced space shuttles than ours (nuclear powered), but still require a external fuel tank and boosters. Van Buren also has at least one two B.O.M.B. (Ballistic Orbital Missile Base) platforms/bases, but they weren't even fully completed. Taht is about the peak of space related tech in the fallout universe, and the Van Buren space tech may not even be cannon.


Long story short, 60+ years of technological development beyond our timeline in the fallout universe has brought incredible wonders of science.....but the space program itself is ridiculously primitive by comparison. No appreciable orbital infrastructure in fallout's reality, much less a lunar or martian base. Why? War is typically a time of accelerated R&D and space is the ultimate strategic high ground.


In my opinion there is a huge hole in fallout lore in re: to space. In believe there are several reasons aerospace (and interplanetary travel) should be far more advanced. 1. is that the same 50s cultural perception of the future that fallout is based upon, held space commerce/infrastructure/exploration as a central aspect of the future. 2. The technological advances made in teh fallout universe on terrestrial soil are leaps and bounds beyond the primitive progress made in teh celestial realm. 3. And last but not least, because the setting of space (orbital, lunar, martian whatever) is so damned alluring and attractive to any sci-fi (retro or not).....it's just a must.


Long story short, F the lore in this regard. Space is far too rich a vein not to mine and I think it's one of the few aspects where the canon doctrine was a mistake.


My apologies for the long rant, however I feel strongly about this subject and I thik that fallout looses a amazing opportunity to enrich it's game universe by restricting itself to teh confines of earth. Van Buren tried to remedy that to a small extant, however as we all know it's a project that will never see the light of day unless an ambitious group of modders make it a reality.


Just be aware that there may be members of the community that will lawyer ball you in re: existing lore and the lunar base.


Honestly I type this I'm wondering why an AI would want a whole region to itself ... what do you think about them getting their independence so they don't have carry some faction's vile will. And since they've done enough to destroy enemies of their creators they decide to restore the Mojave ... which would explain them kicking all major factions out and keeping the entire region free from major factions.

It might be possible they would want it for the same reasons the major factions do, which is Hoover (in teh case of the NCR, & denying the NCR Hoover in the case of the Legion). There doesn't seem to be many functioning large scale power plants left in teh apocalyptic world, and once Hoover is fixed up it has the potential to generate a lot of juice.


An aspect of living things is the desire to continue it's/their existence. We see that in the individual as well as the race. If the synthetics are to continue to exist, they may reason that they need to propagate their "race" (or they will face extinction). Power would be required for mass production, and the securitron army could provide security. So the Mojave region has at least two strategic assets for the synthetics.

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Man your rant struck a nerve.


You are so right about Fallouts lack of tech in this region (space tech)


There are two offices devoted to space exploration in New Vegas alone. Then you have House with this plans of space travel.


Screw it how about using the Mojave to build a lunar colony for synthetic life? You have the tech industry there, the defense industry. I mean the player can still come to Vegas do all those things as outlined in the quest but the end game is the final frontier. Duke it out on the moon. Synthetics fighting M-Rads on the moon and the Mojave supplying the Synthetics.


Again you are so right about the tech not mentioned in Fallout 3 or NV. Fallout tactics even had the Calculator constructing a jet or something ...


here it is!




t is a prototype weapon which was not finished before the war, so its completion is one of the objectives given to the Calculator after the activation of its pacification protocol.

The Calculator was meant to ensure the safety of inhabitants of Vault 0 and secure the region of all the mutants and possible foreign soldiers. To do so, it required something beside the army of robots, so the Hellion was placed in Buena Vista with a working nuclear reactor, waiting for the day the Calculator will start its protocols. Many years later, the Calculator emerged as a major threat to humanity, and became the main enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel.


It is unknown whether the Hellion was in a working condition, as the Calculator may have already abandoned it for some reason, for example the lack of resources to use it. With the destruction of the nuclear reactor, the Calculator lost its chance to use the craft, and the Brotherhood surprisingly ignored its existence, likely due to the war with the robots.


If completed, the Hellion would be a vertical take-off aircraft that can reach air-speeds in excess of four hundred miles per hour. The armory would include five anti-tank bombs, eight air-to-ground missiles, and dual sixty-millimeter cannons. The Hellion was to use standard issue JP-5 fuel and can fly for 8 hours or longer without refueling.


I like that idea of a mod taking place in space. And the Mojave looks like it has the secrets needed to help them restore a colony. Talk about Lady Luck. It would also make sense in a way too. Staying on the moon offers prime security. As you said the Mojave has some strategic assets there too.

Edited by Skyviper086
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I like that idea of a mod taking place in space. And the Mojave looks like it has the secrets needed to help them restore a colony.

If you have that end game in mind, the Yesman/independent quest line should fit fine in general. It works not only because it's an independent faction of humans, but it's also an AI faction (Yesman/Securitrons). By adding additional dialog from your NPCs to key questlines you could give the impression of all your NPCs actively guiding, supporting and advising the courier, without actually changing much if any of the independent quest.


However the timing of the AI origin quest might be a bit tricky. If you did it as a flashback, it could happen at any time. If you do want it to precede FONV's main story line, there are mods, like project Brazil, that show how to start a new character without Doc Mitchell's intervention.

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Oh what I was thinking with that part is the second objective I have. The player character will assume the courier identity. Become the courier. The courier having been shot in the head will die. It is in the this moment that the Synthetic unit will blend into the area via the courier. My version of the Mission Impossible face generator. Except things like memories are data.


I want a body with the face covered that can be activated. Once activated then the game will start from Doc Mitchels house like normal except you'll have my NPCs voices freaking out because something went wrong with the tech that was used. It was damaged during the evacutation and because of that the memories of the courier (the courier's data) over written some key code elements. As far as the story goes the character will re-learn some things. Just like you would have to anyway. Another quest I have called Play Their Game is just that. It won't matter which side the player chooses the synthetics will win in the end. Why fight everyone at once ... get everyone to fight each other and once everyone begins to lick thier wounds ... strike. By that time either side will considerably weakened while our side will be stronger than the remaing factions combined forces.


One of my characters will hack into the Yes Man but not become the yes man. I'd like a dialouge option that is basically a code and once selected you can talk to my NPC via the yes man's vehicle.

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