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Okay so at long last I figured out my OBSE, OBSE plugins (made myself an omod so i don't have to unpack them all to install the and f*** it up in the process), and how to use the OBGEv2 plugin


I'm running a paltry 8600 with 3gb of ram and a 3.3 core2duo, so while I can't expect to just flip on the uber-tastic settings, some of them add a lot with very little fps hit. Particularly I feel Oblivion benifits from some kind of SSAO, and the best option for performance dollar appears to be the Tomerk's Ring SSAO. However, enabling it gives me a dark overlay of what I'm looking at, skewed to one side and scrolling like a trippy kaleidescope.


I searched a lot. I couldn't find anything on how to set this specific shader for this plugin for a mod to a now eight year old game.


If you know what's up, I offer my gratitude.

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