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Probably EXTREMELY easy to make


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Well, i've been looking for NON kinky male catsuits, cause I want my male to be able to have a male catsuit, pitch black, nice and latex looking, ive found some, but what ruins them you ask? The boots that go up to my thighs and the arm pieces that go to my shoulders, Simple request, since im still learning the basic ties for Nifskope, Can someone make a male catsuit, with NORMAL feat and normal gloves ( Just basically Hands and feet, black and glossy to match the suit) Thats full body, anyone?
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Well, I got the link, just scroll down the images till your near the bottom, and you'll see a nice catsuit, it would have been perfect, but (Super complaining alert) the pants didn't connect with the upper body, and The piece on the chest just reflected a really light color, and ruined the dark latex look. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22962 hope someone can make this.


Thanks in advance,






Edited by wolfrevan5555
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Here's mine, the upper and lower body connect perfectly and are dark latex, but they come with corsets: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35744 One has a sneaking enchantment, too.
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Here's mine, the upper and lower body connect perfectly and are dark latex, but they come with corsets: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35744 One has a sneaking enchantment, too.


Thats EXACTLY what im doin right now, along with apachii heroes store mask and feet, its actually pretty cool :3



EDIT: If ya want, and if ya can tell me how to send you files, I can remove the corset for ya and it will be a perfect dark suit :)

Edited by wolfrevan5555
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Um, I already know how to do it, I made the mod, after all :) Think of the corset as a tactical one, it's body armour :)
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