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Perk - Perk Entry - Entry Point - Script Box - Limitations w/ scripting?


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I am attempting to write a script within the script box of an entry point for a perk. The script uses "DamageAV" (DamageActorValue). When I use a number (ex. player.DamageAV ActionPoints 5), the script works. However, whenever I use a variable to represent a number, the script doesn't work. For instance:

float TestVar

set TestVar to player.GetAV ActionPoints
player.DamageAV ActionPoints TestVar
activate player

Does not work within that script box for the entry point (I have also used int, var, short & ref). Yet I have successfully used variables for DamageAV and RestoreAV in other scripting incidents outside of the script box (such as a regular script). Can I just not use variables to represent numbers for RestoreAV & DamageAV when using the script box for an entry point or is there a workaround? This is for regular Fallout 3 (no FOSE). Thank you.

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OK. I figured it out and I wanted to share the technique that I used:


1). Create Perk #1. Use the Entry Point -> activate -> script box. Write in the script box "player.addperk Perk #2" ("Perk #2" is whatever you want to call the second perk, which doesn't matter much because you will never see perk #2 anyway).


2). Create Perk #2. Leave it blank for now (but you will come back to it later).


3). Create a miscellaneous object. It could be ANYTHING - No weight, no value. We'll get back to this object later.


4). Create an effect script for the effect that you want. Write "player.additem [whatever the name of your miscellaneous object is] 1 1" (the 2nd '1' is to eliminate the 'added' message) into that script.


5). Create a base effect based upon that script.


6). Create an ability based upon that base effect.


7). Attach the ability to Perk #2.


8 ). Write an object script that removes perk #2 & also the miscellaneous object (use this pre-made script as a guideline):

ref rContainer
Begin OnAdd
	set rContainer to GetContainer
	rContainer.RemovePerk MyPerk

9). Attach the object script to the miscellaneous object.


You are now done. In brief, perk #1 calls perk #2. Perk #2 has a script-based ability that causes the effect that you want and, in that script, also adds an item to your inventory. That item is tied to an object script that removes perk #2 as well as the item in your inventory, leaving you with just the effect from perk #2.


Granted, the script box in perk #1 can certainly do a lot but, whenever you reach a limitation with the script box that I did, this is an alternate around that limitation.


I hope this helps anyone who has or will encounter this limitation.

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