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My future projects that might be in the making


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Yo here are some projects that I might make after im done with Vexus.


City mods: "New Sutch"(aka my own sutch mod) and "Ontus County".


Guild Mods: "Restoring the Dark Brotherhood", "Brotherhood of Cyclone", or "The Hero Brotherhood".

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If your gonna make a thread like this, would it not make sense to actually provide some info on each one? Kinda like this:


City Mods


New Sutch

brief description


Ontus County

brief description

Guild Mods


Restoring The Dark Brotherhood

brief description

Brotherhood of Cyclone

brief description


The Hero Brotherhood

brief description


Hope that helped (:


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Well I could say one that right now I am also making a faction Mod called:


Brotherhood of Cyclone


An organization of Nightblades and Mage's whom acts like bounty hunters(unlike the mages guild and darkbrotherhood) and as well as protecting the world from destruction (just like the "Blades").

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Yo if anyone is reading this, this is going to sound crazy cause right now, i am thinking about making a mod that will involve becoming a founder of a new kingdom and of course the player(you) will become the King/Queen, so if anyone thinks it is a good idea I need the folllowing


1. The name of the kingdom that i might make.


2. Instructions of how to make a new world map for my kingdom (like the SI).


3. A Castle wall mod resource that is straight and a little longer than the one in the CS.

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