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Method to loop through all NPC in cell to deteremine if PC follower/co


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I'm looking for a method to loop through all NPC references in the current cell as the PC and determine if they are PC followers/companions and are following the PC.


I understand the GetCurrentRef (etc) functions, but what I'm trying to determine is what is the most reliable condition to test for, in order to determine of the NPC is a follower and if they are actively following (and not 'waiting').


Is testing for FollowerFaction, TeammateFaction, Player Faction a reliable method? What happens if the NPC is a follower, but has been told to wait? would it be better to test for TeammateFaction, and then test what AI package is running on the NPC?


I'm also wanting to make sure that this code will also work if the player has other 3rd-party follower mods installed, since I do not want to limit this only the the default-game followers.


Any advice from everyone on test conditions, pitfalls to be wary of, etc, would really be appreciated.


Thanks, in advance,

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These three functions should tell you if an actor is actually following the player at the moment.



if ((ActorID.GetCurrentAIPackage == 1) && (ActorID.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 11))
if (Actorref.GetPackageTarget == Player)
 ;Yes, following player and not another actor





Then some info on Reference walking: http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/tutorials/loops.aspx


Though this test may fail if the companion is in a guard package and it has a quest script that moves the companion with the player. if you use just GetPackageTarget, you can assume that an actor in a guard package is 'following' the player, I guess.



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Cheers for the info.


I'll run some tests. I'm thinking I might be able to combine with GetInFaction, or (better?) GetPlayerTeammate to improve the reliability.


I'm wanting to identify any followers (Dogmeat, et al) but I want to also try and include any followers that are added by other mods, so I'm just looking for a method that's near-perfect reliable, as I'm not sure I can get 100% reliable without asking the player to identify their teammates with some convoluted config menus/GetCrosshairReg scripting and storing the references in a list.


Again, thanks for the response.

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i did this script to check hostility but it also checks for allies



SCN SUBdetect

ref creatureREF
int creatureREFcount
float rTimer

if player.getitemcount SUBaedACT == 0
	stopquest SUBdetectquest
if player.getitemcount AmmoMicroFusionCell < ( SUBskillcostREF.skillcost )
	stopquest SUBdetectquest
	showmessage SUBmfcellsneededMSG

set rTimer to rTimer - GetSecondsPassed
if rTimer <= 0
	set SUBskillcostREF.indicatorREF to 0
	listclear SUBkilllist

set creatureREFcount to GetNumRefs 200 2
set creatureREF to GetFirstRef 200 2
if (creatureREF.GetDistance player < 10000)

	creatureREF.sms NightkinCloakFXShader

	if ( creatureREF.getdead )	 ;dead -> BLACK
	creatureREF.PMS SUBDeadSpotterShader 1 ; DEAD

	elseif ( creatureREF.IsInList SUBkillList )	
	creatureREF.PMS	SUBIndicatedforshotSHADER 1 ;  indicated for shot

	elseif(creatureREF.Getdistance SUBflagREF <= 250 ) ; indicated for shot
	creatureREF.PMS	SUBIndicatedforshotSHADER 1 ;  indicated for shot
	set SUBskillcostREF.indicatorREF to creatureREF
	creatureREF.listaddreference SUBkillList 0
	set rTimer to 3

	elseif(creatureREF.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 8) ;sleeping -> blue
	creatureREF.PMS	SUBsleepSpotterShader 1 ; sleep

	elseif(creatureREF.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 16) ;fleeing -> pink
	creatureREF.PMS SUBfleeSpotterShader 1 ; flee

	elseif (creatureREF.GetCombatTarget == player)	 ;attacks player -> red fast blink
	creatureREF.PMS	SUBSpotterShader 1 ; ATTACKING

	elseif ( creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 2)	 ;ally -> green
	creatureREF.PMS SUBFriendSpotterShader 1 ; ally

	elseif (creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 1)	 ;enemy with player-> orange fast blink
	creatureREF.PMS SUBEnemySpotterShader 1 ; hostile

	elseif (creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 0 && creatureREF.GetAV Aggression >= 2)	 ;neutral but verry aggressive -> orange fast blink
	creatureREF.PMS SUBEnemySpotterShader 1 ; hostile

	else	 ;any actor alife -> grey
	creatureREF.PMS SUBNeutral 1     ; neutral


label 5
if creatureREFcount > 0
	set creatureREF to GetNextRef
	if (creatureREF.GetDistance player < 10000)

		creatureREF.sms NightkinCloakFXShader

		if ( creatureREF.getdead )	 ;dead -> BLACK
		creatureREF.PMS SUBDeadSpotterShader 1 ; DEAD

		elseif ( creatureREF.IsInList SUBkillList )	
		creatureREF.PMS	SUBIndicatedforshotSHADER 1 ; indicated for shot

		elseif(creatureREF.Getdistance SUBflagREF <= 250 ) ; indicated for shot
		creatureREF.PMS	SUBIndicatedforshotSHADER 1 ; indicated for shot
		set SUBskillcostREF.indicatorREF to creatureREF
		creatureREF.listaddreference SUBkillList 0
		set rTimer to 3

		elseif(creatureREF.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 8) ;sleeping -> blue
		creatureREF.PMS	SUBsleepSpotterShader 1 ; sleep

		elseif(creatureREF.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 16) ;fleeing -> pink
		creatureREF.PMS SUBfleeSpotterShader 1 ; flee

		elseif (creatureREF.GetCombatTarget == player)	 ;attacks player -> red fast blink
		creatureREF.PMS	SUBSpotterShader 1 ; ATTACKING

		elseif ( creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 2)	 ;ally -> green
		creatureREF.PMS SUBFriendSpotterShader 1 ; ALLY

		elseif (creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 1)	 ;enemy with player-> orange fast blink
		creatureREF.PMS SUBEnemySpotterShader 1 ; hostile

		elseif (creatureREF.GetFactionRelation player == 0 && creatureREF.GetAV Aggression >= 2)	 ;neutral but verry aggressive -> orange fast blink
		creatureREF.PMS SUBEnemySpotterShader 1 ; hostile

		else	 ;any actor alife -> grey
		creatureREF.PMS SUBNeutral 1     ; neutral

	set creatureREFcount to creatureREFcount - 1
	goto 5

set creatureREFcount to GetNumRefs 201 1
set creatureREF to GetFirstRef 201 1
if (creatureREF.GetDistance player < 5000)
	creatureREF.PMS SUBItemSpotterShader 1
label 6
if creatureREFcount > 0
	set creatureREF to GetNextRef
	if (creatureREF.GetDistance player < 5000)
		creatureREF.PMS SUBItemSpotterShader 1
	set creatureREFcount to creatureREFcount - 1
	goto 6
if SUBskillcostREF.indicatorREF
	showmessage SUBtestmessageMSG



you should be able to deduse what you need for what your doing


(sounds like your trying to find a solution to the moveto problem that excludes companions that adapts to mod companions as well... only reason i think that is because i was thinking about doing it myself for my teleporter.


but refwalking is awesome!! i use it all the time to find and highlight enemies (the script attached) or to lock on enemies for weapon tracking also partially the code found in this script.


there are tons of uses!


OOOH 1 more VERY important thing

refwalking for me is notoriously buggy when not used in a quest script and controlled with startquest and stopquest



oh yeah your probabbly also gonna need to use creatureREF.getcurrentAIpackage == 1 to check if they are in a follow package curently.

Edited by angelwraith
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